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Orpip Davlin

Description 116 year old male forest gnome mason. He has cropped, wavy, gray hair and Blue eyes. He often wears a navy blue vest and a dark red wide brimmed hat. He has veiny white skin. He stands 134cm (4'4") tall and has a regular build. He has an oval, bland face with a medium mutton chops beard. He fidgets constantly.   Personality He openly worships Tempus, God of war, battle, warriors. (Chaotic Neutral) He is kind and generous. He constantly looks for the loophole. He is cannot stop himself when he becomes curios about something. He believes he has a beautiful singing voice. He does not.   Sexual Orientation Straight   Relationship Status Married - Celwyn Davlin   Oddity Hook He has a mouse with him he believes continually says very rude and embarrassing things to him. It is infact just a normal mouse.   Lives In Marithune   Alignment Tendencies Good 9 Lawful 0 Neutral 4 Neutral 1 Evil 0 Chaotic 5   Ability Scores Strength 6 [-2] Dexterity 18 [+4] Constitution 4 [-3] Intellect 12 [+1] Wisdom 13 [+1] Charisma 10 [0]   PLOT
Orpip has also been marked by The Sleepless. Othar Ashen is unaware of this and has not met Orpip.   Orpip felt himself drawn into the Wayfell forest and when he succumbed to the calling he stumbled into the forest where he was abducted by some Kobolds and taken to a cult base north of Marithune. Upon waking his mind was no loinger his own and he obeyed a large Kobold with wings going by the name of Braax. Braax ordered him to retrieve a book from some ruins which he did in his brainwashed state. however, upon touching the book the effect of the brainwashing left and he was once again in control of him own body.

He then decided to sneak away as best he could. As he was leaving he stumbled and tripped and was noticed by a Kobold, the alarm was sounded and Orpip fled with book in hand. He did not know which direction he ran, his only thought was of getting far away from them as possible. Whilst fleeing, he stumbled onto a road and looking up it saw a couple of merchant caravans with there guards, an odd thought came to him before he asked for help. 'They might want the book. flee, I must flee", and so, unable to resist the pervading thoughts he cast pass without a trace and fled across the road as he heard his pursuers about to reach the road as well. Hopefully the caravan would be able to buy him some time, a thought he was both surprised and disgusted to have, but his mind quickly forgot this. his only thoughts lay with fleeing, and to be able to read the book. he must stop and read the book. he must stop. he must. HE. MUST. STOP. and with that he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head and the world went black.
  A crushing grip on his shoulder, the book gone, his hands bound, and the dragging sensation as the back of his shoe's collecting dirt, grass, and leaves as he was dragged. then blackness as his consciousness faded. He was alive but he wasn't sure for how much longer, nor why he had so desperately wanted to read that book.
Current Status
Trapped in the Kobold cult base north of Marithune in the Wayfell forest
Current Location
Lake Blue
cropped, wavy, gray hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
54 kg

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Character Portrait image: by HeroForge


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