Filavandrel Hero of The Vale Character in Ire | World Anvil

Filavandrel Hero of The Vale


Hero of The Vale, Great Ocean, Elf Ender, The Eternal, Sealer of the Darkness, Ealdorman, Dragon Rider. So many names for one man, so many names for Filavandrel of Greenhaven.   Filavandrel was born to a Black Dagger in the village of Greenhaven and given and elven name. Yet he did not grow up here. As this was the time elves and mankind had first made contact, the dragon riders( An elven guild) wanted a human to be a rider as a show of unity took Filavandrel from his home and trained him as one of his own. This was during the time when The Vale had been lost to the Nathair and humans were living in Tir Orail. When he was 20 Filavandrel was made from initiate to rider and returned home. with his water dragon Kuthu. since A dragon rider learns the magic of the dragon they are paired with he was a master of water and ice. He unified the broken race of men and lead the assault to reclaim their home and alongside Kuthu he took back The Vale for the humans and was given the title Hero of The Vale.   This is not his only heroic act. Filavandrel also battled and killed his fathers most evil foe a powerful vampire lord known as Vlad the Eternal. In doing so he avenged his father and mother who were killed by Vlad.   He was also was leader to the legendary champions that sealed away the Dark One. However in his lifetime he would also see the undoing of the binding   He fought in the Great war with the elves. On the hill of Edhellen he battled the elven Emperor and won another war for humankind. After his days of battle and war he married Earl Untvick's daughter and had twin children. A boy named Veli and a girl named Circi. Before their birth Filavandrel received a reading from a seer. He wished to know about his unborn child. The seer told him that his child would be filled with darkness like the world had not seen, but that his child would also be the greatest warrior Ire has ever seen. After his children's birth he slowly came to realize what the Seer meant but he never wished to believe it. Filavandrel ruled over Greenhaven for 18 more years after his children's birth. Until the day Circi killed him in battle and took over Greenhaven.   For his legendary feats Filavandrel came to be known in all lands. In the desert they curse him and call him The Vanquisher. His stories stand as a symbol of humanity's strength and justice. His story may be done but his legacy is one that will grace The Vale for generations.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his time there was near no one in Ire that could keep up with Fil. He trained his body everyday. He would have Kuthu lash at him to condition himself

Specialized Equipment

Filavandrel's sword Waterfall became infamous. The cross-guard is twisiting steel that reached upward towards the blade, it has a slight blue tint. The handle is stitched Baken hide, and dyed a deep black. The pommel is diamond shaped with a raised dragon head on both sides, also with a slight blue tint. The weight is remarkable for a sword of its size. The balance perfect. It was a coronation gift but now it has become an heirloom for the family. Circi once wielded it and now Veli has the blade.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Reclaimed The Vale
  • Vanquished Vlad-The Eternal
  • Defeated and sealed away the Dark One
  • Beat Faelin Ularic in single comabt and ended the Great War


Filavandrel Hero of The Vale

spouse (Important)

Towards Mary of the Isles



Mary of the Isles

spouse (Vital)

Towards Filavandrel Hero of The Vale



Filavandrel Hero of The Vale

Best friend (Important)

Towards Gallius




Best friend (Important)

Towards Filavandrel Hero of The Vale



Golden Age
2013 2063 50 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by his daughter
Raven black
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Dracon

Articles under Filavandrel Hero of The Vale