Gwain Oath-Breaker

Sir Gwain Fainheart (a.k.a. The Black Dog)

Gwain was born to a nobody family. No title, no claim. His father was a builder but he made little money. Gwain changed his fate when he got chosen to squire for Sir Edward, a Knight of 13. When Sir Edward died Gwain fought against all the other squires as is tradition. Gwain's skill was true and sharp and he emerged the victor. On that day he took his vow and said the words; "I Gwain Fainheart, son of Samuel understand and will uphold the 13 vows. Come brilliant day, or pitch-black night. I pledge my honor, and my fight. A guarding shield, a guiding light. Against the fiends of evil's plight." Sadly later in his life Gwain would forsake all those words.   One fated day the King sent Gwain on a scouting mission to Greenshire. Blood had been shed and the Shire's capital had been attacked, he was to get to the bottom of what happened. When Gwain arrived he did not see the Ealdorman of the Shire Filavandrel, but his daughter Circi. Like in all of the stories it was love at first sight, but this was a problem. His vows as a knight forbade such things. Despite this Gwain never could get Circi out of his head. He began finding and making excuses to report on Greenshire. These trips were to much for eventually he broke his vows, the two fell in love and acted on it.   It would take many years for his secret to get out. He managed to be with his woman and even father a child in secret. Gwain met his end fighting a spy sent by his lover's greatest enemy. Gwain by all rights would have one, but the knight fought with honor, the spy did not. When Gwain died his secret was still safe. It was after his death that his crimes were discovered. He was denied the funeral rights of a Knight of 13 and his father struck him from the family line, revoking the name of Fainheart.   Gwain was a conflicted man. Despite his crimes he at heart was a good man. He loved his wife and his son more than anything in the world, and would have done anything for them.      

Mental characteristics


  • Knight of 13


Circi-The Black Dragon

Lover (Vital)

Towards Gwain Oath-Breaker



Gwain Oath-Breaker

Lover (Vital)

Towards Circi-The Black Dragon


