Essus The Demon Snake

Essus is a Nathair of the Toxicus tribe. He is close friend and in service to Veli Riderson. In all of Veli's great accomplishments Essus was at his side. When they built Alton, the battle at Greenhaven and the Darkest Day. Essus is more than a mere servant however. He wields a large sword that a powerful spirit was sealed within. The spirit within the sword bonded with him and after perfecting the seal the spirit gives its power to Essus. When he taps into this power his yellow eyes glow and become misty, his voice his deepens and distorted and he becomes capable of great things. He can unleash slashes that can cut down lines of warriors horizontally and vertically, this attack takes the form of a green mist line that pushes forward and mows down anything in its path. He can release spiritual energy from the sword that blows back opponents within its range. This sword can do many other great and terrible things. For his ruthlessness and power in battle his tales were told through the land and he was named The Demon Snake. He served as general to King Vexus in the Ashwar.   In ale houses and around campfires, in market streets and on the roads people tell tales the The Demon Snake, the Demon who slaughtered a village of bandits and liars, the Demon who on the Darkest Day struck down hordes of the savages, The Demon who serves Riderson. At night parents tell their children of the Demon Snake who comes from the mist to strike down the wicked and sinful.   “Trust me, Kane won’t go to the King, but Kane won’t see Uhtred or I until we are certain. Essus will speak to him first and see what happens.”   Essus grinned, showing his horrid pointy teeth. “If he says no can I kill him?”   “No, but if he is a threat then yes.”   “I hope he is a threat.”    

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Served as General to the first Royal Army of The Desert
  • Vetran of The Darkest Day
  • Sieged Greenhaven
  • Slayed Yvan-King of Blood

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

"Essus is a vulgar, vile being. He is sure of himself and he has a lust for power, yet he still has a way of being charming. That was his and mine saving grace as we traveled. I had only heard tales of his accomplishments. I imagined they were embellished, like so many tales, but I was wrong." Lilith of Green Mountain



Lover (Vital)

Towards Essus The Demon Snake



Essus The Demon Snake

Lover (Vital)

Towards Lilith




Essus's first meeting with Lilith is when she was attacking him. Essus was out in the world on his own and was injured on the side of the road. Lilith was out hunting and saw him as easy prey, yet when she went in for the kill she stopped herself. She instead captured him and brought him to her father. This was the start to their long, dangerous relationship.

Veli Riderson

Best friend (Vital)

Towards Essus The Demon Snake



Essus The Demon Snake

Best friend (Vital)

Towards Veli Riderson




Veli and Essus met in the Heden Civil War. At the time Veli was in service to the Ealdorman of Rainhold and was a foot soldier. During the war the Desert came to King Titus's aid in fighting the pagans. It was fighting side by side that the two met for the first time.

Year of Birth
1998 85 Years old
Yellow & Serpentine
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
"No veteran yearns for the field."
Aligned Organization