Jack the Giant Slayer

Sir Jackson Crestwood (a.k.a. The Black Knight)

Jackson was born and raised in Orebrook and worked on his family farm. He was one of five boys, and was the smallest of them. He was destined to live a borning life until one day--as he putting away tools the ground began to shake. He looked to the mountains in the distance and the rocks began crash down from the peak. The shaking got worse, and worse. This carried on for hours. Out of fear for his family Jackson stole a horse and rode to the home of a famed wizard he had heard spoken of in at the bar. For weeks he rode, and the shaking never ceased, and growing worse each time. Alas he found the Wizard's home--a large tree sat atop a hill on a leaf covered coast. The tree reached high into the clouds and its roots ran deep into the heart of the earth. The leaves danced with life around the home.   The Wizard was a half Nathair, half Man named Harkon. The mage looked through a mirror and saw the mountains. Giants were coming down from Eldre. He gave Jackson a poision so potent that one drop would fell a Giant. He told the boy to coat a blade in it and face the mighty Titans.     Next he rode to the Capital to warn the King of the coming threat, but when he reached the gates he found them already preparing. He knelt before the King and offered the posion but the King picked him up, and put it back in his hand--It would be Jack who have to do this. He marched to Shiver Pass with the army and waited there in the frigid snow. He could feel their footsteps. Each one shook the earth to its core and threw the men off balance. Each one reverberated in the pass. When they came he put the posion to the test and it did not fail. The men had won and praised Jackson as a hero, and from then he was known as Jack-The Giant Slayer.   In thanks for his service the King knighted Jack as a Knight of 13. The Royal smith forged him custom armor and a sword engraved with his name. Over the next year Sir Jack lived up to his named and hunted the remainder the the Giants--Driving them to extinction.   The Knight's next task would be a grave one. The Dark One was gathering an army to attack the Capital. He would have to ride out and gather intelligaence. As he approached the ruined hold a horrible stench assulted him. This army was made of the dead. There he saw her, a short, thin woman with long white hair and cold amythest eyes. The Knight who had taken a vow to never marry or have children found himself star-struck. From there it is a sad tale. The Dark One took advantage of Jack and turned him into an oath-breaker. She gifted him with black gauntlets that would allow him to raise the dead with a single touch. Jack marched with the dead and sacked the city. Killing those he had once saved. Jack died inside the city. Who struck the blow we can not say, but most belive it was one of his fellow Knights.


Lexius Locklin

Lover (Important)

Towards Jack the Giant Slayer



Jack the Giant Slayer

Lover (Important)

Towards Lexius Locklin



1080 1111 31 years old
Place of Death
Short & Brown
Appears in...