Susanna Locklin

Court Mage (a.k.a. The Violet Queen)

Susanna is a mage born to the old and powerful Locklin family. From birth she wielded powerful magic but unlike some members of her family she developed a great control over it. Her power got her noticed by the royal family and she was instated as Court Mage to King Titus the First and she still serves as such to King Titus the Second.   As Court Mage Susanna is responsible for protecting the royal family and all of Xares from magical threats. She has spies across the country that feed her information. She keeps and eye on the School of The Eternal Sun but has refused the offers to teach there and she performs research in an old and forbidden topic, The Dark One. Susanna has performed a few notable magical feats. Firstly is her age; Susanna is in actuality an old woman who is wrinkled and grey, but she uses magic to keep herself looking young and youthful. On the Darkest Day she used her power to teleport several hundred soldiers strewn across The Vale to Xares to right, but this did take a great tole and she was in a coma for a year.


Calix Locklin

Lover (Trivial)

Towards Susanna Locklin



Susanna Locklin

Lover (Vital)

Towards Calix Locklin




Brother and sister, born into a family of morbid incest. Forced by their family they had no other choice, but while Susanna has found a partner, Calix has only found a tool.

Calix Locklin (Lover)
Ice blue