The Dragon Riders

The dragon riders were the oldest and most powerful guild to have ever existed in Ire. It's creation was a result of banished family members of House Draconis & Eridor Flameborn--who had already tamed the Great Dragon Valinor--Eridor taught these Draconis elves how to ride dragons. They built a great castle within the elven empire and began to made packs with dragons. A rider would start out as an initiate. the initiate would choose a dragon to work with early on in there training. The initiate would then spend years training with that dragon, learning its fighting style and magical powers. Dragon riders were the only peoples to ever wield dragon magic. This is important because by a dragon's magic is very old, the oldest in the world. This makes it more powerful than normal spells. When the initiate was ready they would preform the trial of blood. No one today knows what the trial held but it was very deadly. 20 initiates and would preform to trial at the same time, the most initiates to survive at once was 3. If a initiate survived they were named a dragon rider and given free reign to leave the castle and travel with their dragon partner   In the beginning the elven emperor respected the riders and kept peace with them. But when they would not choose a side in the Great War he turned on them so the riders abandoned their home and built the Crystal Castle in the Gormlaith mountains. This is were they made there new home   Humans were eventually allowed to become dragon riders. The way human riders were raised was different. They would be picked shortly after birth and raised by the riders. This newborn would be paired with a newly hatched dragon and the two would grow up together. Due to being mortals humans would take on the trial of blood much sooner than elves would. Because of this shortened time a lot more humans died in the trail than elves.   Before their deaths there were was supposedly 10 fully fledged dragon riders, but only 8 are known of. and Two dragon lords. The dragon lords were the leaders of the guild, this is because both of them were paired with the two great dragons. There was lord Eridor, paired with Valinor the strong. Then there was Lord Talus, paired with Dorthal the wise. Like his dragon Lord Eridor was the most powerful rider to ever live. With a mastery of pyromancy and sword skill few could stand up to the might of Lord Eridor. It is said that Eridor would spar with Valinor for the fun of it. Lord Talus was the decision maker for the riders and was the one to choose new elven and human initiates. He and Dorthal would often have debates of philosophy that could last for weeks.   The ten riders while having complete freedom often stayed at the castle and took on assignments from Simus. There was the Red Paladin, paired with the Red dragon. The Red Paladin was an expert pyromancer. His mastery of fire was so refined it is said he could precisely cut through steel. There was the dragon Dogoss Lord of the Night. A black dragon famous for the white fire it breathed. Its rider is unknown but was likely an elf. The dragon Jrag the Eternal Blizzard. and Ice dragon, supposedly the smallest full grown dragon in the world. Its rider is unknown but was likely an elf, the dragon Garndal the Quaker. A mighty earth dragon. Its rider is unknown but was likely an elf, the dragon Mydrill Light's Champion. The moon's light would reflect of its golden scales and light up the night. Its rider is unknown but was likely an elf, The Rider Miridell and her dragon Lithiss King of the North, the Rider Filavandrel and his dragon Kuthu the War Bringer, and the dragon Vaeros the Four Winged. A fire dragon with four wings. Its speed in the air was only matched by the great dragons. Its rider is unknown but was likely an elf. There is no information about the other two riders.   In the current era the Dragon Riders were murdered by the Order of Valor. The order stormed the crystal castle and sacked it. All of the riders and initiates died defending their home and many dragons died doing the same. Not all of the dragon died however, a lot of them fled the castle and now live all over the land. The Order hopes to find these remaining dragons and put them down. Many of the mysteries of the riders can never be answered. As the only remaining fragment of their existence is the forgotten shell of the crystal castle and the dragons who fled.

Total aggression

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