
Goddess of Civilization, The Uncaring, Keeper of Laws, the Silent Watcher, the Hand of Judgment
Nortia the Lawbearer, is the goddess of civilization and laws. Nortia has a tempestuous and furious romantic relationship with Eirene, the keeper of wildness, tempered only when civilization and nature are in balance
In some ways, the goddess Nortia serves as the patron deity of mortalkind. All other gods hold to their different ambitions, plots, schemes, and designs, but only Nortia represents mortal creatures overall, specifically the greatest achievement of mortals – civilization. Nortia stands as the patron of empire, civilization and cooperation.

Many people view Nortia as the patron god of humanity. Dwarves strongly favor Kothar, elves and eladrin associate most with Veles and Selene. Humans, and to a lesser extent halflings, have come to associate closely with Nortia.

The Church of Nortia is one of the most widespread and influential in Irion, although it does not possess as much influence as the churches of Ilmater enjoy. In a number of ways, the Church of Nortia is one of the most unusual and atypical of all faiths, with many differences from other religions. Indeed, her church is likely the most pragmatic of any..

Divine Domains

Civilization, invention, laws, history, mastery of skill

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A half cog with starburst at the center

Tenets of Faith

  • Work with others to achieve your goals.
  • Tame the wilderness to make it fit for habitation.
  • Defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness and the tide of barbarism.
  • Seek out new ideas, new inventions, new lands to inhabit, new wilderness to conquer.
  • Build machines, build cities, build empires.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
