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Gods of the Realms

The Gods of the Realms can be divided into three groups. Pantheon of the Light, Pantheon of the Darkness, and Pantheon of Death.  
This is a quote.
— Author
The Gods Small Description
Albadar, the Master of War, stands as an exemplar of Honor, Justice, and Valor among the gods of Isadril. Revered for his unwavering dedication to safeguarding the realms, he holds the eternal responsibility of protecting the hallowed grounds of the Eternal Gardens, standing as a vigilant Watchman over its sanctity.
Asmodeus, the sinister Prince of Darkness, commands dominion over contracts, pride, slavery, and tyranny, delighting in luring mortals onto the path of evil. Emanating from the main shard of Darkness, his influence over the realms extends to war and suffering, attributes that fuel his malevolent desires.
Atris, the radiant Goddess of all Knowledge and History, epitomizes the pursuit of self-perfection and disciplined wisdom. Her teachings revolve around the mastery of oneself, guiding her devoted pupils to serve the world as scholars, oracles, and priests.
Bhalin, the revered dwarven god, stands as the embodiment of masonry, wine, ale, and mead. His teachings promote freedom and self-discovery, inspiring others to find their own paths in life. Fervently fighting for just causes, Bhalin takes delight in indulging in the finest pleasures life has to offer.
Dolus, known as the Mischievous Woman, is the deity of revenge and trickery, enigmatic in her ways and revered by elves and dwarves alike. Legends among the dwarves tell of her hand in creating the infamous Book of Grudges, an artifact that serves as a testament to the power of her craftiness and cunning.
Earin, the ancient goddess of freedom, stands as the All-Mother and ruler of dreams, stars, and the sky. Revered as the defender of travelers, she holds the key to unlocking the vast expanse of the realms. Alongside her husband, Bhalin, she resides as a beacon of freedom in the celestial realm of the Seven Heavens.
Eläsar, the greatest of gods, hails from the most radiant shard of light and stands as the eternal judge in the divine pantheon. As the God of Souls, his divine purpose transcends the realms, overseeing the transition of departed souls from the material plane to their final resting place.
Eyvir, known as The All-Father and The God of the Sky, commands dominion over nature, the seas, and the ever-changing weather. Revered as a deity of two aspects, he presides over the Wind and the Waves, standing as a symbol of the vast forces that shape the realms.
Iuris, known as The Master of the Law, stands as the god of merchants, wealth, and civilization. With a vision to civilize the wild frontiers, he encourages adherence to law and advocates for the growth of commerce and trade within the bounds of civilization.
Kalan, feared as The God of Torture, embodies the darkest and most malevolent aspects of the realms. Revered by those who revel in pain and suffering, Kalan stands as a deity of cruelty, torment, and sadism. His malevolent presence looms over the realms like a shadow of dread, invoking fear and horror among the inhabitants.
Liara, revered as The Goddess of the Elves, holds a sacred place in the hearts of the elven kind. As their divine patron, she embodies the very essence of elven grace, wisdom, and ethereal beauty. Her domain encompasses the domains of nature, moon, and knowledge, embodying the celestial wonder that permeates the elven culture.
Mitunea, exalted as The Goddess of Glory, stands as a beacon of hope, valor, and triumph in the realms. She embodies the virtues of honor, bravery, and the pursuit of excellence. Revered by warriors, champions, and those who seek to achieve greatness, Mitunea radiates a divine presence that inspires courage and determination among her devoted followers.  
Ryeyar, feared as The God of Blood and Murder, embodies the darkest and most malevolent aspects of violence, death, and destruction in the realms. Revered by those who revel in bloodshed and chaos, Ryeyar stands as a deity of cruelty, savagery, and ruthless aggression.  
Taer, exalted as The God of Bravery and Honor, embodies the virtues of courage, valor, and unwavering honor in the realms. Revered by warriors, knights, and those who seek to uphold the code of chivalry, Taer stands as a paragon of bravery and righteousness. His divine presence inspires acts of courage and noble deeds among his devoted followers.  
Theadia, hailed as The Goddess of Fire and Flames, embodies the raw power and destructive force of fire in the realms. Revered by pyromancers, forge masters, and those who harness the element of fire for various purposes, Theadia stands as a symbol of transformation, creation, and the all-consuming blaze.  
Thorrus, revered as The God of the Forge and Gold, embodies the skills of craftsmanship, metallurgy, and the allure of wealth in the realms. Revered by blacksmiths, artisans, and those who seek to amass wealth and prosperity, Thorrus stands as a symbol of skillful craftsmanship, the power of industry, and the allure of precious metals.  
Uros, hailed as The God of Destruction and Orcs, embodies the primal force of chaos, destruction, and the fierce power of the orcish tribes in the realms. Revered by orcs, barbarians, and those who embrace the untamed aspect of nature, Uros stands as a symbol of unbridled fury, raw strength, and the unyielding spirit of the orcish clans.  
Xeenta, revered as The Goddess of Death, embodies the eternal cycle of life and death, guiding souls to their final resting place and presiding over the afterlife in the realms. Revered by mortals, necromancers, and those who seek to understand the mysteries of the beyond, Xeenta stands as a symbol of transition, acceptance, and the inevitability of mortality.  
Xerreus, acclaimed as The God of Magic, embodies the boundless and enigmatic power of arcane and divine energies that permeate the realms. Revered by wizards, sorcerers, and those who seek to unravel the mysteries of the arcane arts, Xerreus stands as a symbol of knowledge, creativity, and the transformative force of magic.    


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