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Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery

The Orphan of Trickery

Khiyaanda, the 2nd youngest orphan of The 8 Orphans. Khiyaanda is represented by the domain of trickery, and his supposed origin shines a light on this. Khiyaanda was said to be constantly underestimated and forgotten by his older siblings. Due to this he often pulled fantastical pranks to gain the attention of the siblings he admired, but these pranks and tricks only ever gained him their disdain and mire rather than any meaningful connection. Still, even bad attention is attention, something that his followers take to heart. His holy symbol also follows this, a bold collage of spinning threads that catch the eye. Commonly he is depicted as a young adolescent dressed in flamboyant clothing with a grin on his face. Due to the chaotic nature of Khiyaanda, there are no holy orders that follow him, but there are more than a few thieving guilds to make up for that. As for general worship, he is a bit of the black sheep of The 8 Orphans, with many only sending him prayers and offerings because he is associated with the other orphans, while some isolated communities do not worship him at all. His worship has even divided the rouges of The Five Kingdoms. This is due to his commonly known rule of no cold-blooded murder. As such the communities that foster under his worship are often filled with those with a theft thirst, or a desire to give back to the poor or weaken unjust nobles or rulers all while fostering communities of like-minded individuals. It is because of this that many thieves and rouges within The Five Kingdom follow a sort of code or rules of engagement, although this fact doesn't stop authorities from putting many of them to death or torture. Just like one should not underestimate Khiyaanda, the god who was able to trick his way into defeating Iblis's second in command, one should not underestimate the thief or cleric with the holy symbol of Khiyaanda.


Aqoon, The Orphan of Knowledge


Towards Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery


Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery


Towards Aqoon, The Orphan of Knowledge


Dabiici, The Orphan of Nature


Towards Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery


Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery


Towards Dabiici, The Orphan of Nature


Dagaal, The Orphan of War

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery



Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery

Brother (Important)

Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War



Dhimashino, The Orphan of Death

Sibling (Trivial)

Towards Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery



Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery

Brother (Important)

Towards Dhimashino, The Orphan of Death



The Highwayman

There exists an antithetical god to Khiyaanda who doesn't belong to any wider pantheon known as The Highwayman. He is known to be a humanoid wearing a brown cloak with a dark brown and black brigandine accompanied by jet black boots and pants. His face is obscured by a scarf and hat that leans to cover his face. The Highwayman exists on the material plane and is known to lay entire caravan guards to waste, slaughtering anyone at seemingly random, sometimes even losing goods by opting to stay and kill a victim. While Khiyaanda represents an almost lighthearted trickery, The Highwayman represents a depraved trickery, fueled by murder and death. As such he is worshiped by many, and pacts with him are very personal and give way to abilities not considered to be divine. While this wouldn't normally be enough to connect them, there is a particular hatred that worshipers of The Highwayman exhibit towards worshipers of Khiyaanda. They are also known to destroy shrines to Khiyaanda, and even ruin their operations to rat out Khiyaanda rogues and thieves. This leaves many to believe that there is some deeper connection between these gods, but what exactly could it be?

Honor Among Thieves

A common saying in The Five Kingdoms is "Unlike wizards, there is honor among thieves." The fact that this is a dig at wizards is irrelevant, but the second half of the saying is probably true. Many thieves and rogue have a code of honor and often follow it even if it means their death. There are multiple reasons a thief or rogue might decide to follow a code. Some might do it in order to preserve their moral compass, like a vigilante who doesn't want to lose their soul to fighting crime. While others may do it in order to gain access to a local thieves guild's protections and resources. Many decide to take up a code due to their worship of Khiyaanda, and with this code often comes a sense of responsibility. When a thieves guild finds out about a murderous thief, they often pause their thieving ways to find them and bring them to justice-sometimes more effectively than dedicated law enforcement. One can imagine what divide this might cause among the common folk and the ones that are tasked with policing them.

Cleric Information

This is a link to someone wishing to create a cleric of the trickery domain. Khiyaandi is a god that can really doesn't have a "typical" follower. Most would be described as chaotic good, but what inspires them to adventure will vary from person to person for sure. Some might be out of their desire to pilfer and steal from ancient ruins and dangerous creatures and using the money to support their families or local peasants. Some might be rebels or dissidents from Amarace, sending gold and magic weapons back to their rebel cells. Your imagination should go wild when creating a cleric for this god. Whatever you choose make sure you bring it up with me before you start making anything concrete.


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