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Dagaal, The Orphan of War (Da-gaal)

The Orphan of War

Dagaal, the youngest and most violent of the 8 Orphans. With her blazing greatsword, she represents the domain of war and glory, and has nomidian battle, nomidian warriors, and nomidian war in her portfolio. She is known to be blunt, outspoken, and always looking for some fight (whether it be righteous or otherwise). Her myths and tales are filled with stories of her battling celestials and creatures from the upper and outer planes, and due to her finesse and brute strength, the forces of Iblis came to fear her firey war flourish. Her holy stigmata is the sword she wields into battle, a firey greatsword gripped by two plated hands. Throughout The War in Heaven Dagaal slowly lost respect for her siblings, learning that they were not proficient warriors. This loss of respect refers to all but one, Duufaan, The Orphan of Tempest. Duufaan was the words behind the swords, a commander of Dagaal's power. These stories all trickled down onto how her devout followers act in the 5th Era. Most Devotees wander from kingdom to kingdom, looking for a strong leader they can pledge their sword to. They value victory and can find honor among the most depraved and desolate battlefields. She is sent prayers by the common folk, asking that their relatives be granted strength in battle, or that someone win the ongoing conflicts in the world soon. Zealot warbands or adventuring guilds also often pray to Dagaal, wishing that their contracts give way to great battles and bountiful loot. Dagaal has been known to butt heads with other pantheons, commanding her followers through battle angels and divine dreams to do battle against followers of Cadceed of The Immortal Forces, or Gruumsh. Dagaal two children whose other parent is unknown. Qabsashada, the eldest, is the goddess of Nomidian Conquest, Subjugation, and Empire. After the formation of The Kingdom of Man the gods exiled Qabasashada from the pantheon for unkown reasons. The youngest is Difaaca, god of Nomidian Non-Aggression pacts, Unity, and Defensive tactics. He was the lesser favored of the siblings by Dagaal before Qabsashada's fall, and less readily accepted and worshiped by her followers.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Nomidan Battle, Nomidian War, Nomidian Warriors.    Divine Domains: Glory and War

Holy Books & Codes

Tenant's of The Battle Naag, written by Dagoshan

Tenets of Faith

Eye's of The Ugaarsade:

The ugaarsade eye's always search for conflict and battle as to not be unprepared, so must her devouted. 

The Bloody Temple: 

Do not spend time worshiping her in authicaries, instead train for war in her holy sanctuaries, and practice worship upon the bloody field of battle, in the midists of glorious combat against your enemies.   

Warrior Culture:

Those who devout themselves to her make marriage with the warrior life. Training, battle, preperation, those all become your future, your family, and your eventual grave. To die a civilian death is to dishonor her name.


The Warrior's Reaping: On the first of Reaping the devout warrior lodges of Dagaal offically open their doors to new recruits, Swordians hold their knighting ceremony, Qabowing and Bilowish nobles inform their commoners who will be drafted in the event of war, and the many warriors of Nomidia enjoy celebrations.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Dagaal is a blade let loose. She wishes to battle, not just for her but her entire pantheon. She urges her devout followers to find battle amongst the world so that she might feel a fraction of the rush through their prayers to her. However she does not start wars with other pantheons, and punishes her devout that do. For the moment Dagaal simply waits for Dufaan to point her at the next enemy.


Aqoon, The Orphan of Knowledge


Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Towards Aqoon, The Orphan of Knowledge


Dabiici, The Orphan of Nature


Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Towards Dabiici, The Orphan of Nature


Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Towards Dhimashino, The Orphan of Death


Dhimashino, The Orphan of Death


Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Dagaal, The Orphan of War

Sister (Vital)

Towards Duufaan, The Orphan of Tempest



Duufaan, The Orphan of Tempest

Sister (Important)

Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War



Dagaal, The Orphan of War

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Lftiin, The Orphan of Light



Lftiin, The Orphan of Light

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War



Dagaal, The Orphan of War

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Nolosha, The Orphan of Life


Nolosha, The Orphan of Life

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War


Dagaal, The Orphan of War

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery



Khiyaanada, The Orphan of Trickery

Brother (Important)

Towards Dagaal, The Orphan of War



The Warrior Sword Flourish 

Something that may seem entirely foreign to the warriors of cultures that aren't familiar with Nomidian culture is the art of the sword flourish. Before two warriors meet on a battlefield in The Five Kingdoms they often flourish their swords extravagant ways, something that was borrowed from Dagaal, as she is said to have proudly flourished her weapon in combat during the War in Heaven. This flourish is so important to warriors that it's the first thing a blade master requires before they teach and apprentice. It's also not uncommon for flourishes to change as a warrior develops a skill, with a more complicated flourish being a sign of a more veteran fighter. The flourish can also be used to determine where a warrior may be from or where they went to learn their skills, as many warriors carry similar maneuvers from teachers and comrades. Something that isn't talked about is that the text from which "proudly flourished her weapon" and has conflicting interpretations as most celestial texts do, and one such theory is that the text refers to her flowering her weapon, a practice of grooming and caring for like a flower. Though if you wish to keep your bodily functions in working order you best avoid bringing that up to a seasoned fighter.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Battle Naag, The Red Lady, The Flame Headed (Derogatory), The Flame Hearted

And the father is. . . .

Something that has baffled religious scholars devoted to uncovering the lost lore and Secrets of The Orufenzu pantheon is the father (or mother considering celestial reproduction is different than most mortal reproduction) of the children of Dagaal. There is nothing written on it, and the records that exist in the 5th Age indicate that no records existed in the prior ages either. The one thing that is known is that her children are sometimes dipicted as half-elves in the older records of their apperance, though newer ones show them as full humans with nomidian features. Though these depictions are old and have undoubtedly changed throughout history and since the gods of the 8 Orphans Pantheon avoid Iskudar it is unknown if this fact is accurate, though if it is that could potentially point to the other parent. One of the Elves of the Elf Pantheon. This raises more questions than it answers, because no elvish gods have claimed to have reproduced with gods of other races, and it is unlikely that one would since Corellon Larethian forbid her children from having kids. Either way, it's best not to bring this topic up over many drinks of Giants Piss Ale with your Elfish High City cleric.

Cleric Information 

This is a link to someone wishing to create a cleric of the war domain. LOOKING FOR GLORIUS COMBAT ACROSS THE WORLD OF ISKUDAR? Then Dagaal is the right war domain god for you. She doesn't discriminate on whether the battle is just, a fair fight, or whatever other excuses a milk drinker might try to use to dissuade you from the path of violence. This character is also easy to play and fill accomplished with, considering you fulfill your clerical duty by doing battle. Some cool concepts are maybe a character attempting to join a high-profile mercenary guild devoted to Dagaal. Or maybe you're bored of your peaceful religious family, but still want to keep your connection to the gods? Whatever you choose make sure you bring it up with me before you start making anything concrete.


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