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Oskana Alleeva

Oskana Alleeva

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very toned and muscular

Body Features

Dent in his head, and huge muscles, markings on his body indicating he is marked for greatness and a bloody end.

Facial Features

All the bones in his face have been broken several times from his time as a boxer, he has rugid features.

Identifying Characteristics

The fact that he is huge in stature and build, also his goliath markings.

Special abilities

Very good at grappling

Specialized Equipment

Unarmed Fighting

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up a slave with an enslaved adult goliath to guide him. He was smart at the time and planned a revolt. He lead a succesful revolt against the stone quarry owners that resulted in almost every single person who partook in the revolt dead, including a few of the wives married to the owners and officers. After many years of guiding his peoples to safer lands he decided to pursue Castygy with his friend Moreska. During an operation that was being conducted in cooperation with city guards he met his wife Freya, an orc. The operation was almost completely succesful with Oskana physically holding Castygy for a moment and Darminov being detained with very few casualties. After that he decided to settledown for a bit and build a family and communitty. He did so and after he was certain his kids could fend for themselves and were righteous he once again pursued Castygy. Bringing him back to Darminov's house where his new journey came to an untimely end as he was swiftly decapitated by the Darminov enhanced with a youth potion.

Gender Identity





None, couldn't read and write beyond basic words.


Carpenter and boxer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Freed hundres, maybe thousands, of his peoples and built a communal safe haven for future Goliaths.

Failures & Embarrassments

He let Castygy escape.

Mental Trauma

Was a slave, seen many of his loved ones killed in front of him, got a head injury that severly affected his mental cognition.

Intellectual Characteristics

He knows he was once smart, and all his old ideas and thoughts are there, but it is extremely difficult for him to come up with new ones.

Morality & Philosophy

All humanoids can be redeemed and they should be entitled to the pay they produce. If you work with your hands you deserve fair compensation and above all else you deserve to be free and equal.


Drinking alcohol, hurting children, tattoos

Personality Characteristics


His family, his peoples, and freedom.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes wood carving and carpentry, dislikes unmotivated and unambitious people.

Virtues & Personality perks

Fights for freedom, and has a heart of gold.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can sometimes be impatient and perhaps too merciful.

Personality Quirks

Calls everyone younger than him Greeny.


Kept clean enough.


Contacts & Relations

Freya- Wife Moreska- Friend Kids- children His commune- He is the unofficial leader alongside his wife.

Family Ties

Many children and a wife, beyond that he knows nothing.

Religious Views

Believed in religious equality and that all religions had their own merit, he personally worshipped both the goliath gods and the 8 orphans.

Social Aptitude

Kind and generous but not tolerant of bullies.

Hobbies & Pets

Carpentry, bodybuilding.


Not very eloquent but can communicate effectively.


Oskana Alleeva

Heart-Rival (Husband) (Vital)

Towards Freya Alleeva



Freya Alleeva

Heart-Rival (Wife) (Vital)

Towards Oskana Alleeva




Oskana and Freya met when she was investigating him for being affiliated with the Red Wrath group in Rough Lake. It turns out he was affiliated with the bandit group, but as a cover to get closer to catching a major slave trader named Castgy. Freya, former humanoid debris, hated slavery and started helping Oskana and his friend Moreska. Over the 2 years of working together, the two found much comfort in each other and eventually got married in a ritual ceremony they came up with together. Oskana brought with him the limited knowledge of Goliath's marriage he knew from Varyana, and Freya brought with her the limited knowledge of orc ceremonies she knew from her former tribe. The ceremony was a mix mash of the two cultures and Moreska still remembers it as a "Beautifully Chaotic" experience that ended with the two wrestling over the 50gp grilled griffon wing. Freya won, but Moreska always claims Oskana let her. The two became Heart-Rivals, a term for wedded couples in Goliath. After the failed attempt to capture Castygy, the two moved to the safer outskirts of Bilow along the Raine River with a host of freed peoples of Fowdya. For 42 years their life was good and their romance was filled with passion, and 9 children (1 of which was adopted). However, as Oskana aged and the horror of complacency crept in his drive to capture Castygy returned. Freya only asked him if he was sure and he left to follow up on recent leads, which led him to the latest location of Darminov. Freya would only reunite with her heart rival when the Wardens of The Black Path brought his head to her, cut clean off by Darminov's greatsword. Now she prays that she sees him again in the time afterlife.

Nicknames & Petnames

'Kana(Oskana), Tent Mother ( Freya jokingly), My stone and earth (Oskana) and my Air and Sky (Freya).

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Wood carving, community, wrestling, boxing, and poems about nature. They both were physically strong and hulking figures.

Shared Secrets

Anastasia's father's death. Freya had another child somewhere in Fowdya when she was a slave. They have an old castle Oskana won in a boxing match that they vacation to.

Shared Acquaintances

Moreska, Walcho Chainchomper

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Not much, spent most of it on his children but had a great deal of income from his carpentry work.

Built like a greek god, old with greying hair. Loves equality and justice. Lets others do the thinking for him.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Status
Living in the afterlife in Arborea
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Great Emancipator Old Man Fist of the People Chief
Date of Birth
1763rd Mettleworth, 4th Day
Date of Death
1837th Whetdance, 7th day
1763 T5A 1837 T5A 74 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born a Slave
Circumstances of Death
Battle with Darminov
Place of Death
Freya Alleeva (Heart-Rival (Wife))
white, aging hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stone grey skin
8ft 6in
630 lbs
Goliath Pantheon
Known Languages
Common, Giant, Orcish, Elvsih

Don't Stop



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