High Elf Species in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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High Elf

High Elves are the most prominent off shoot of the original elves who arrived on Eiko during the founding. Moving inland from the Eastern shores of Eiko the elves encountered one of the great Dragons meditating in a sea of golden wheat. The intelligence and deep introspection of these fledgling elves caught the interest of this Dragon, who decided to impart their vast wealth of knowledge onto the elves. The Dragon taught them how to weave intricate textiles, build exquisite buildings, and most crucially, how to use their Elven nature to tap into the energy of this world to produce magic. While these first spells were not nearly as powerful as those created by speaking the ancient Draconic tongue, the innate understanding of magic that would spread among these elves would have long lasting effects.   Using the Dragon's knowledge, the people declared themselves High Elves, and founded the great city of Sorajun on the ground where they first arrived in Eiko. They quickly expanded out from there, establishing Holimion, Eiko's first province. Sorajun, having been so steeped in the tradition of introspection and artistry, quickly became the meeting place for artist and artisans, poets and philosophers, warriors and wizards. There people from all over Eiko would debate their ideals on all manner of topics in small enclaves to large forums. It would not be long before the High Elves started to see their capital as the center of all of Eiko.   Then the terrible invasions of Fiends and Orcs came, and while the invaders were ultimately defeated, the leaders among the High Elves saw the erratic defense and the terrible loss of life that came with it and felt compelled to act. Endless debates were conducted which all seemed to point to a single, unavoidable truth. In order to best defend Eiko, Eiko must be unified. To unify Eiko meant a single ruler and only the High Elves were in a position to lead a unified Eiko. It was during this time that the schism in the Elves occurred. Those that dissented with this opinion set out across the crescent mountain range, eventually becoming the Wood Elves. Ultimately, whether through politics or war, the High Elves would found the Empire of Eiko, Sorajun would become the Capital in both opinion and name.   High Elves tend to be tall, slender and of a more pale complexion. Their pointed ears are pronounced yet not nearly as long as their Wood Elf Kin. Their hair tends to be lighter in hue and have a near permanent shine to it. Given their clan's position in society over hundreds of years, High Elves tend to come off as more haughty and entitled. While some take this too far and see other races as inherently inferior, most High Elves tend to see past physical characteristics, choosing instead to scrutinize someone's capacity for free and interesting thought. Very few High Elves elect to leave their province save, and those that do are usually dispatched on official business as envoys or artisans to learn from the masters across Eiko.
Genetic Descendants
750 years
Average Height
5'10 to 6'4
Average Weight
120 to 180 lbs


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