Wood Elf Species in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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Wood Elf

In the year of 382, a great schism occurred in the fledgling Elf culture. The majority of elves, confident in their innate magical talent and longevity being a sign of divine favour, saw themselves at the top of the emerging social order of Eiko. However, there were those who saw such plays at power to be against the wisdom of balance. Wanting no part in the escalating violence with their neighbours to the West and seeing that their voices would only be drowned out, these elves ventured over the Great Barrier mountains and into the forests in the crescent valley beyond.   Calling themselves the Wood Elves, a symbolic act to show their commitment to the balance of nature, they settled into their new home. Despite their neutral stance, the inhabitants of Siannodel could not ignore the drums of war that loomed outside their boarders. Fearing that the High Elves or some new threat would eventually March on their sanctuary they began to militarize. The clans who devoted themselves to a particular part of the forests balance now took inspiration from their wards to become fierce defenders of the forest boarders.   If one had never met an elf before they may be forgiven for getting the two races confused. Unlike the High Elves with their maticulously maintained appearance, Wood Elves usually have a more rugged, unkempt look. Shorter ear points, dark hair, and the prevelamce of tribal tatoos further set them apart. A Wood Elf tends to prefer to sit back and observe a situation before acting where as a High Elf prefers to take center stage and actively shape a situation to their benefit.   While almost all Wood Elves heed the call to protect the boarders of Siannodel, a rare few venture forth to learn of the outside world, or out of a desire to preserve balance on a more grand scale.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
500 years
Average Height
5'8 to 6'2
Average Weight
140 to 180 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Olive skin, often with tribal tatoos reflecting clan membership


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