Imamah of Tavshin

The Imamah of Tavshin is a desert nation on the northwestern part of Esoris. It operates as an elective monarchy, with the candidates for election coming from the Al Tavshin family. When the sultan dies, the hereditary nobility, the pashas, come together and elect the new sultan from among the male members of the previous sultan's family. This ensures that what they view as the bloodline consecrated by Istus continues to rule, but that the ruler is the best individual for the job instead of just the oldest son.



Dry, hot desert climate. Very sandy, with some oases. Most large population centers are along the coasts and to the northwest.


The sultan serves primarily as a head of state, whereas the government is mostly run by pashas, which is a hereditary role. Below the pashas is the rank of bey, who administer an individual town, or a specific role within the government.


Culturally Tavshin is similar to the Ottoman Empire, but without the imperialism and much more isolationist.

Demography and Population

The most common races seen in Tavshin are genasi, particularly air, earth, and fire. There are also some leonins and loxodons.
Bedouin-esque nomadic tribes live in the southeastern part of Tavshin.

Foreign Relations

Other than strictly trade relations Tavshin is fairly isolationist and avoid diplomatic ties with other countries.

Trade & Transport

The Tavsha'an are happy to trade with other countries, but they keep any traders to certain parts of the port cities near the docks, and designated areas of the border cities.

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Official State Religion

Forms of Address

Sultan and his first consort: sultanim
Princess: sultana
Prince: schzade
Lady: hatun
Sir: efendi
Ma'am: efendim

Honorific Structure

[Given name] [Title]
Examples: Joe Smith Pasha; Jack Butts Bey

Cover image: by WotC