Principality of Domalonh

The Principality of Domalonh is divided into six tribes with their own lands, the leaders of which are given the title of Prince. The ruling clan is Jaldgrim, the clan whose land includes the Doman capital of Elasa, and their prince is given the title of Grand Prince. Generally, succession within clans is determined by primogeniture. Although there is no set law regarding the sex of the princes, historically they have been male.  

Clans and their capital city

Jaldgrim - Elasa
Wargdon - Torkneth
Holnes - Rotennover
Duryn - Kobuzhesk
Kager - Mevik
Hogovia - Harkcham  


Temperate, oceanic, marine west coat climate. Changeable, often overcast weather. Mild, cool summers and winters that are mild, cloudy and very wet.


There is a lot of internal backstabbing and scheming within clans (and sometimes between them), but a lot of the jostling for power is done by a show of strength without much actual deploying of force. Much of it is blustering between princes.

Demography and Population

The most commonly seen species in Domalonh are dragonborn, goliath, orcs and half-orcs, earth genasi, and hill dwarfs

Foreign Relations

Being geographically boxed in by mountain ranges on both of their non-coastal borders they have little concern regarding possible invasions. As a result, they enjoy peaceful international relations, with trade being the focus.

Trade & Transport

Domalonh exports primarily agricultural products, mostly focused on livestock - wool in particular. They sometimes have to import basic crop products, depending on the weather. There is also a healthy Doman mining industry.
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Official State Religion

Princes of Domalonh
Grand Prince Erling Jardgrim
Prince Donal Wargdon
Prince Conylt Duryn
Prince Sigurd Holnes
Prince Magnus Kager
Prince Ivar Hogovia

Cautiously peaceful with trade relations

Cover image: by WotC