Ryarendean Free Territory

The Ryarendean Free Territory is a plutocratic oligarchy, run by a joint stock company. It is administered by the Merchant Council, which is formed of the nine largest shareholders of the joint stock company, the Ryarendean Merchant Company.

Their governance over the territory is de facto and has developed as the accepted status quo over generations.


Merchant Council

Maarten Brink
Simon van Oosten
Jan van der Hulst
Andreas Velghe
Emiel Voskamp
Kasper Westerbeck
Hendrik Stappenbeld
Petra Vanneste
Linneke de Roos



Temperate, oceanic, marine west coast climate. Changeable, often overcast weather. Cloudy and very wet year round, generally mild temperatures.


Cities are run by magistrates, who are supported by aldermen. The magistrates report to and are selected by members of the Merchant Council.


Their culture is very reminiscent of the old Dutch Republic.

Demography and Population

Some of the most common species seen in Ryarende are humans, water genasi, and sea elves.

Foreign Relations

As a result of the financial and economic services Ryarende provides most of their international relations are mercantile in nature.

Trade & Transport

Ryarende itself doesn't export many things, but instead provides trade, shipping, banking and economic services to other countries.

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Official State Religion

Heavy trade relations

Cover image: by WotC