Larilean Empire

The Larilean Empire is a nation built on a history of imperialism and conquest, that has lost that opportunity and has been forced into peaceful, diplomatic relations for many generations. They have an absolute monarchy, and succession with the Laril dynasty is based on male primogeniture. Historically, there have been cases where there is no legitimate male heir, but in those cases there has always been an available acknowledged natural born son who is legitimized, then crowned.



Temperate with cold winters and hot summers. Moderate level of moisture throughout the year.


Larilea has a system of hereditary aristocratic nobility. The country is dvided into Estates, centered around the noble houses, although the borders of the Estates are often not strictly enforced.
Noble surnames are denoted with the prefix ir'. They base their succession on primogeniture - male first, then female.


The founder of the Larilean Empire, King Edern ir'Laril was ruler of a small kingdom in the center of Esoris. They had always revered their military, but saw themselves as proper and not at all war-like. To further solidify their military and cultural superiority King Edern moved to conquer the Duchy of Khundara, taking no pains to spare the citizens or their homes, thinking only of Larilea's successful conquest.
Wanting to achieve the same glory and success of his father, Edern's son, King Tristan ir'Laril focused his imperialism on the Kingdom of Leonnach, with even less thought spared for the safety of the citizens.

Foreign Relations

Despite their history of conquest they are stymied by the mountain ranges to the west and south of their borders. As a result, over time they have developed mostly peaceful relationships with neighboring nations - however, those relations always have an undercurrent of suspicion and caution.

Trade & Transport

The Empire has well-developed agriculture, including animal husbandry. They export many of the resulting resources to nearby Eldres by road and the Tavshin via boat. Their primary imports are specialty and trade goods.

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official State Religion

Heavy trade relations

Friendly trade relations

Cautiously peaceful with trade relations

Cover image: by WotC