Summer Camp 2024 Roundup

I will show off my damn cover images one way or another!
— Han
  We have reached the end of Summer Camp 2024! Like last year, I've collected everything I wrote this month - all 72k words - in one list here to show off the pretty cover images and make them easier to access. I'm dying to organise them properly, but that shall have to wait until the awards ceremony.   I have a lot of thoughts on all of these. I think my favourite overall is Teeth? for its sheer absurdity, but Inlára is the one I've put the most effort into over the past while as it's actually my first attempt at a proper conlang. I'm also very proud of the Arriusi, Lukasade, Dirge of Worlds-- I could keep going. I'm SO happy with how I did this year. Expect a proper retrospective soon in the reading challenge when I get through my remaining notifications!   These aren't in any particular order! If you'd like to see which prompt is which, scroll to the bottom - I've included my tracking sheet. 72030 words!
Ancestors' Descendants
Organization | Jul 18, 2024

A family for those without, set up to help the youngest victims of war.

Item | Aug 1, 2024

Sacred necklaces worn by the Stonesworn as signs of their devotion.

Geographic Location | Aug 1, 2024

Hidden from sight by storm and superstition lies a land of snow, ice, and destruction.

Baritwine Quay
Building / Landmark | Jul 8, 2024

A rowdy riverside tavern and hall run by Arriusi, and an absolute haven for adventurers and partygoers alike.

Carónnae Barge
Vehicle | Jul 7, 2024

River barges that can change into land-barges - without the use of magic!

Species | Jul 22, 2024

Sentient cloud-souls spending their afterlife spreading divine influence.

Damming of the Imbreagat
Military Conflict | Jul 5, 2024

Resistance and rebellion worked together to try to prevent the loss of their beloved river - to no avail. Medimia always prevails.

Dirge of Worlds
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 17, 2024

When a world begins to reach its end, so plays its final dirge...

Embers of Soulfelt Farewell
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 14, 2024

A Hvalgoran ritual of memories and well-wishes towards the deceased.

Ethnicity | Jul 16, 2024

A kind but cynical subculture formed first by the dead, and later adopted by the living.

Halo of Equilibrium
Technology / Science | Jul 27, 2024

Stone circles preventing decay within them, at cost to the region without.

Highland Hauntmoss
Species | Jul 21, 2024

A bioluminescent moss that is actually an intelligent, parasitic fungus.

Iconoclast Shroud
Technology / Science | Jul 12, 2024

A rare, brilliant boon of ley magic, unknown to almost all existence: shrouding that shields against the gods' eyes.

Language | Aug 2, 2024

The sacred language of the snow elves, kept secret from all outsiders.

Profession | Jul 24, 2024

Cavern explorers from Gildómar who risk life and limb to search the depths for their nation's benefit.

Liminal Classroom
Building / Landmark | Jul 31, 2024

Perfectly ordinary classrooms that seem to be exactly where they're needed. Don't you remember them?

Living Mausoleum
Building / Landmark | Jul 13, 2024

An expansive mausoleum and necropolis that offers the living and dead their peace.

Item | Jul 28, 2024

Artificial blood stored in travel-safe boxes for fuelling vampires ethically and easily.

Material | Jul 23, 2024

A glasslike material inherited by elvenkind that does interesting things with magic.

Settlement | Jul 17, 2024

A lifeless lumber town that now serves as an endless party for the undead.

Mother's Cradle
Geographic Location | Jul 12, 2024

Stone hands clasp blackened soil in Kirinui's mountainous reaches.

My Dearest Sleetiepie
Document | Jul 29, 2024

The mystery of a contract placed by no-one.

Perci V. Fauxx
Character | Jul 28, 2024

An energetic, high-spirited bard that travels with the Lost Ones to be with their bestie.

Proclamation of the Crown
Document | Sep 11, 2024

An announcement of a miracle: the discovery of a key to the salvation of the world... allegedly.

Item | Jul 14, 2024

Vexuan earcuffs that hook into one's thoughts and stop the ones you don't like.

Queen Valdis
Character | Jul 19, 2024

A cruel banshee queen who cast off her chains to seek a better undeath.

Reaving Thirst
Condition | Jul 4, 2024

A cruel, endless thirst that tortures its afflicted with its fell dirge, tormenting them to the grave - where then, they rise.

Settlement | Jul 9, 2024
Salting the Feast
Myth | Jul 8, 2024

A Valathean tale of a couple desperate to marry, and that which tore them apart.

Geographic Location | Jul 25, 2024

An earthquake-prone coastal plain in Hvalgora, sweeping from mountains to sea. Lights up gold sometimes.

Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

Transcending the borders of faith is the urge to call to the gods themselves.

Organization | Jul 29, 2024

Silent devotees of the Dwarven Pantheon that see their lack of magic as a blessing in its own way.

Myth | Jul 20, 2024

The walls have ears, if the dwarves are to be believed.

Summer Camp 2024: Pledging at Dawn
Generic article | Jun 27, 2024

Another year, another Summer Camp. SC2024's pledge.

Species | Jul 10, 2024

Dreams give rise to the creation of odd imaginary creatures. Sometimes, those become... teeth?

the Arriusi
Ethnicity | Jul 3, 2024

River-traversing traders sharing in secrets and pleasure.

the Jurisaudra
Organization | Jul 25, 2024

A Hvalgoran pseudo-legal order of warriors and assassins offering ways to fight the corrupt and make shady dealings a little less... shady.

Character | Jul 30, 2024

A shattered god restored to divinity; a graceful protector seeking to atone for the damage he once dealt.

Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

A Medimian formal rite of contract that binds employers to offering healthcare for their employees.

Condition | Jul 30, 2024

A plague of crystal to sweep planet and person, ever in pursuit of elvenkind.

Widower Knights
Military Formation | Jul 14, 2024

Mortal knights to Naarim's undead Queen.

Words of the Silent
Myth | Jul 31, 2024

A world's end, carved into darkest stone, and a glimmer of hope alongside it. A rare true prophecy.

Zaiseva Boltwarden
Rank/Title | Jul 27, 2024

The very overburned leader of the Jurisaudra.


Cover image: Roundup by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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Aug 7, 2024 11:41 by CoolG

Your progress is amazing, great job Han!!

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 13, 2024 14:59 by Han

Thank you! I still can't believe how much I did hahaha

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 7, 2024 16:29 by Alan Byers

Great work this year Han!

Aug 13, 2024 14:59 by Han

Thank you! :D It has been a fever dream!

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!