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Operation: Knightfall

"End of the Hotbox."

The Conflict


Following a blistering series of attacks and counterattacks, the Chaos invasion force on Heckliamnios was left badly off balance. Colonel Krast saw the enemy’s weakness and sought to break the back of the assault once and for all. To do this, he would lay his next trap at the critical Apolyos Star Port. A portion of the 1102nd would launch a series of feints against Chaos positions along the battlefront to distract the enemy from a partial imperial redeployment that placed 6 of the regiment’s Shock Companies in and around Apolyos.


The dense mountains and crags created natural funnels for troop movement all around the planet. Because of this, the Imperial Commanders could know exactly where Korvohk would strike when he arrived in Apolyos. Once more, the Cadians established concealed positions and prepared for the enemy.


Much like Hesperides, Apolyos boasted large and urbanized outskirts well suited to entrenchment. The battle would play out in a similar fashion to the first engagement of the campaign.

The Engagement

While Korvohk did not expect the Cadians to once more be arrayed against him, he was far more cautious in his approach this time. While his knights were mounted in fresh suits, the memories of his defeat were fresh in his mind. After a brutal bombardment, the knights struck with far more rapidity than at Hesperides, taking no chances. The forward defenses were quickly overrun and the sentinels were either crushed or ignored. The Cadians fought tenaciously, however making the enemy pay heavily for each step they took into the city. The Cadians superior positioning afforded them great protection from the knight’s heavy guns but were unable to adequately maintain distance as the attackers closed the ground. Knight-Captain Xavier’s command tank was crushed, but Xavier himself along with most of his crew managed to evacuate the vehicle. Knight-Captain Hector’s Gatekeeper made short work of the enemy that destroyed his brother’s tank. Korvohk once more destroyed the central bastion of the defenders, but once again he was unable to capitalize on his success as he found himself virtually unsupported. Kronkath and a War Dog Karnivore seemed posed to deal brutal damage to Alpha Company’s tanks, but just as they closed they learned of approaching Imperial reinforcements. It was obvious that the battle was an Imperial victory, and if the traitors remained they would die to the last.


While the 1102nd suffered their heaviest casualties of the campaign, they emerged the decisive victors.


The Battle of Apolyos in OPERATION: KNIGHT FALL would prove to be the final major engagement of the ”Hotbox" Campaign. Chaos forces were routed from the planet and forced to evacuate in the face of superior Imperial strength. The surviving traitors would regroup with the Iron Spearhead Fleet for continued operations prior to the ultimate Imperial victory at Surinorn.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Imperial Crushing Victory


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