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The Court of Lost Dreams

The Court of Lost Dreams had one goal, to feed the Dreamer as many souls as possible. So that the Dreamer could consume the Chaos Gods as punishment for his creation.


The Court of Lost Dreams was a short-lived alliance of Chaos Warbands who were kept in check by the tyrannical being known as the Dreamer. The alliance was formed after the Dreamer was released and subjugated the The Iron Dominators. This was the first of a few warbands that fell to his influence. The alliance fell apart after his destruction by the Grey Knights of the Cleansing Flame.


The alliance quickly fell apart after the Dreamer's death. The warbands were only following the Dreamer in hopes of being spared from his crusade against life and the gods. Though many of these warbands seeing the Imperium was vulnerable with the invasion of The Iron Spearhead banded together under the demonic AI Korvohk and would be known as the Warpfire Crucible.

"All shall be consumed in an endless Dream."

M42.24 - M42.24

Successor Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


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