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The Iron Dominators


Led by the Warsmith Rylanis, Second-in-Command Warpsmith Nightgore. The Dominators almost exclusively recruit from Warbands that they have defeated. They take specific pleasure in taking prisoners from the Black Legion and breaking them into their own forces.


Extremely Dour and grim. Warsmith Rylanis’ campaigns are legendary for how long they last but they are also known to leave no clues or survivors.


After pulling back from the failed assault on Terra during the Heresy, The Iron Dominators traveled the Eye of Terror recruiting from Warbands they have defeated. They have always hated the Black Legion due to what they feel was a seriously ill-conceived assault on Terra. They have made it their sworn duty to stymie Abbaddon’s ambitions as much as possible.   In M42.23 The Iron Decimators unleashed the Dreamer from the Lost Dreamer space hulk. This action claimed the life of their Warsmith Rylanis Kam and The Dreamer usurped control of the Warband. The Iron Decimators followed the Dreamer helping them unite the scattered Chaos Warbands that once occupied the Hulk and raise forces inside the sector.   In M42.24 The Iron Decimators were destroyed when the Grey Knights of the Cleansing Flame intercepted the Dreamer cutting the Iron Decimators down and crushing them in the battle known as Assault on the Dreamer. The survivors of this disastrous defeat retreated and rejoined the Iron Spearhead.

Strike the Anvil

Formerly The Iron Spearhead, Now under the The Court of Lost Dreams
The 22nd Grand Company of the Iron Warriors Legion
Chaos Undivided
600 Chaos Space Marines, 200 War Machines, 2400 Slaves/Support
Formerly Rylanis Kam, Currently The Dreamer
Sworn Enemy
The Black Legion
Grey and Yellow
Parent Organization


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