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Celestial Truth

The "Celestial Truth" is the primary belief sytem, or religion, of the Celestial Empire. Believers in the Celestial Truth do not believe in the existence of any gods, but rather believe themselves to be gods, or equivalent to gods. They believe that as the first species to explore the galaxy, they have the birthright to make it their own personal paradise.   There are two sects of this belief system: True Believers, and Secular Believers.   True Believers truly believe in the idea that they are godlike beings that are worthy of worship. They believe that everything that their species has done has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have earned the right to call themselves gods.   Secular Believers do not truly believe in the idea that they are godlike beings. Howevery, they believe that even if they aren't gods, they might as well be gods. This distinction is only surface level, and doesn't translate to any meaningful difference in their behavior.


Believers in the Celestial Truth believe that as gods (or godlike beings), they are worthy of worship. They heavily partake in hedonistic forms of self-worship, such as pleasures of the flesh, drugs, food, and drink. They believe that the Tseibajeen species is superior to all others, and deserve to inherit and rule the galaxy. They believe that it is their right and duty to control and dominate all other species, and enforce the worship of the Tseibajeen species as though they were gods.


The Celestial Truth in its current form is the byproduct of many millenia of the Tseibajeen species conquest of the galaxy. Tseibajeen historians refer to their first usage of interstellar faster-than-light travel as their "ascension" to godhood. They expanded their influence and territory, bringing more and more solar-systems under their control. Due to the fact that they've never encountered another species that has matched their technological prowess, they began to truly believe that they were the best species in the galaxy, and that they might as well consider themselves to be gods. Over the course of thousands of years, this superiority-complex gradually morphed into the "Celestial Truth".

Mythology & Lore

According to the Celestial Truth, there are no "gods" in the traditional sense, but rather, the Tseibajeen believers believe themselves to be gods, or at least have equivalent status to gods. They believe that because they were the first species to expand beyond their homeworld, and create a bustling interstellar society, that it is their birthright to control and conquer the entire Galaxy, and make it into their empire. The Celestial Empire is the manifestation of this belief.

Divine Origins

The exact origins are of this belief system are unclear and incoherent. It's likely that it developed slowly over millenia, as the Tseibajeen of the Celestial Empire expanded their territory throughout the galaxy. As the empire continuously grew, they were able to overcome any challange and topple any obstacle that stood in their way. If they found an uninhabitable planet within a habitable zone, they terraformed it, and oncorporated it into their empire. If they found a planet that was already inhabited by a sapient species, they invaded and conquered it, and incorporated it into their empire. If they faced resistance, they crushed it without a second thought. Their great successes in their endeavors led them to believe that they could truly do anything, and that nothing could stop them. This overinflated ego eventually coalesced into a genuine belief in their own godhood. After all, when you've continuously proven that your species can do anything and can overcome any opposition, why NOT call yourselves gods?   (It's possible that the idea of self-deification wasn't something that they came up with on their own, but was one of the many lies that The Great Enemy implanted within their minds in an effort to prove that mortals are unworthy of free will.)

Cosmological Views

The believers of the Celestial Truth don't believe in any gods, but rather believe themselves to be gods. This religion is believed by most Tseibajeen in the Celestial Empire. They believe that the universe is theirs for the taking.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Galaxy belongs to the Tseibajeen.
  • Tseibajeen are the true gods of this world.
  • Only Tseibajeen are gods.
  • As gods, the Tseibajeen deserve worship. It matters not how this worship is obtained, but common examples include: hedonism, receiving worship from other species.
  • For another species to challenge the reign of the Tseibajeen is to deserve anihilation.


An action is "good", if it benefits the authority of the Celestial Empire, leads to pleasure, or otherwise reaffirms the faith.   An action is "bad", if it opposes the authority of the Celestial Empire, or calls into question the validity of the faith.


One partakes in worship through hedonism. The purpose of this hedonism is to worship one's self, and the Tseibajeen species. It is also common for Tseibajeen to bow down to statues depicting their form.   In addition to self-worship, they also force members of subjugated species to worship them as though they were gods.


The Emperor/Empress of the Celestial Empire is the primary leader of this cult.


There are no named sects within the religion, but there are two distinct types of individuals within the cult: There are those who don't truly believe in the religion, but still find it useful to enforce the power of the Celestial Empire, and pay lipservice to it.   There are those who truly believe in the divinity of the Tseibajeen species, and truly worship themselves.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Imperial Worship
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Species


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