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Raphael (a.k.a. Raph)

Raphael is the protagonist of the game. His personality is rather limited in detail, since he's basically just a vessel for the player. However, he has a strong sense of justice and always tries to see the best in others. He was born on the world of Kairothia III several years after the end of the Human Celestial Conflict. He was raised in a small, isolated settlement of human scientists, and was given extremely limited knowledge of the old Federation of Earth. Since there were no other humans his age growing up, he developed a strong bond with the Kairothian people of the Saiyannor Tribe. Whenever the Saiyannor Village needed a human for whatever reason, he was there for them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • High level of fitness
  • Abnormally high strength and endurance, due to enhanced super-soldier genes inherited from father

Special abilities

  • enhanced strength and endurance

Apparel & Accessories

  • Likes to wear khaki green shorts and white muscle shirt like his father
  • Orange headband tied in the back

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life

Born to _ and _ in 3052. When he was born, his parents were worried about his quality of life, since they were stranded on Kairothia. While they certainly weren't alone on the planet, it was clear that Raphael wouldn't have a normal human upbringing.

Relationship with Kairothians

Relations between humans and kairothians were established shortly after it became clear that the humans would be trapped on the planet with them. Raphael grew up around the Kairothians and became fluent in their language and customs. As he grew up and the superhuman strength he earned from his father developed further, he became known as a great protector to the local Kairothian tribe.


Due to the downfall of the Human Empire, Raphael never had access to the education that he would have been given otherwise. His mother, being a scientist, taught him everything she knew about her field of study. Raphael also learned everything he could from the other scientists who where there, who were also mostly biologists, but some had studied in multiple scientific disciplines. Learned to speak Kairothian through immersion. Was taught some Celestial by Urlefric


Never had a proper job, due to circumstances beyond his control. However, he became a protector for the local Kairothian tribe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • single-handedly destroyed a Celestial deforester tank, saving his local Kairothian tribe.
  • Multilingual

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Being the son of a brilliant scientist and a genetically enhanced super-soldier, he has an above-average intellectual capacity.
  • His mother (and the other scientists) taught him how to think analytically
  • His super-soldier genes taught him how to improvise problem solving

Morality & Philosophy

  • despite his dire circumstances, his mother taught him to be compassionate to others
  • rigid Kantian moral philosophy
  • tries to look for the good in people, even in situations where it is dangerous

Personality Characteristics


  • Making his mom happy by living up to her expectations as a person

Likes & Dislikes


  • Making his mom happy


  • Unnecessary ultimatums
  • Killing people, even if they probably deserve it

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Naive to the reality of war


Religious Views

  • Highly invested in the beliefs of the Kairothians
  • At first highly skeptical due to scientific understanding of universe, but eventually encounters the unexplainable
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Surprise birth
Human Settlement on Kairothia
Current Residence
Human Settlement on Kairothia
Dark brown, unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Aight."
  • "I'd choose to die a million deaths before I'd join you!"
  • "My mom always taught me a set of principles to live by, and I won't cast them aside out of convenience."
Known Languages
  • English (or whatever the language is set to)
  • Kairothian
  • Celestial


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