Flugelburg Settlement in Kaladaan | World Anvil


The second largest city in the Hadovean Empire, Flugelburg lies between the fork of the whisper river north of Ordens bluff.


Administered and ruled by the Burgomaster who's position, due to the significance of Flugelburg, is directly appointed by the Hadovean Senate. A number or councillors appointed by the Burgomaster make up the grand council of Flugelburg.


The main defense for Flugelburg is provided by High Flegelburg Keep

Industry & Trade

Due to it's postion both geographically and politically, Flugelburg is a hub for the surronding area and always open to Traveling Merchants and loyal Servants of the empire looking to aquire their wares.


Over hundreds of years Flugelburg has grown and expanded surrounding its central point of High Flugelburg Keep. Over this time it has grown in political signficance which has resulted in a steady and significant flow of wealth and political influnce in what is now the 2nd largest city in the Hadovean Empire

Points of interest

  • The Whisper River
  • High Flugelburg Keep
  • Maybourne Cathedral


The panoramic views from High Flugelburg are quite spectacular and give a commanding 360 degree view of the surronding lands for many kilometers in every direction. Making Flugelburg a popular location for travellers


The majority of buildings are made of sandstone sources from nearby hills


Flugelburg lies between the fork of the whisper river north of Ordens bluff and West of Mirthstone.

Large city
approx 50,000
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under Flugelburg