Mirthstone Settlement in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Nestled in the heart of the Empire is mirthstone. A bustling city on the fork of a river that heads north, south west and south east. Mirthstone occupies the north east bank and the this great city is the first stop for goods after coming into the Hadovean Empire at stillwind port and brought up the river by barge. Gates and bridges connect the city to the other sidesof the river to the south and the east. The name of the city also comes from one of its darkest inhabitants. In the heart of the city is the school of jesters. Brightly coloured on the surface yet hiding a darkness inside their soul. Smiling faces and bodies that seem to caper comically with cold dead eyes of merciless killers. Mirthstone is not for the faint of heart, but it certainly is entertaining. (20 days by foot from Doomsayers, 800kms approx)
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization