Mouse Trap Estate Building / Landmark in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Mouse Trap Estate

A modest estate owned and occupied by a former Assassin of the Empire.

Purpose / Function

Phillipe's long term retirement plan come to fruition with the purchase and restoration of this Estate and its buildings.


The Estate boasts various examples of period architecture from the previous two centuries.

The main house or keep is almost in its original form.


Formerly known as Land's End keep the Estate is several miles to the north east of Land's End in the Geldheim Empire.

Originally built to house workers completing the building of Land's End township. It was allowed then to fall into ruin and disrepair.

Phillipe of house Morley purchased the run down property in 1230 and over the decades has invested in its restoration. Upon his release from all contracts and subsequent retirement, Phillipe sold off all other interests and moved to his modest estate to spend his days in substantial leisure, at least compared to his working life.


Tourists are not particularly welcomed to the estate.

Founding Date
Characters in Location