Hijacking of the Iron Talon

Military: Skirmish


The Hadovean empire stage a surprise attack on the Iron Talon in attempt to hijack the vessel and steal the secrets it contains

After a surpise attack by the Hadovean Empire in attempt to hijack the Iron Talon, the remaining crew of the Vagabond scramble back as The House of Smith covers the retreat; Sir Nelson Hebron & Sir Magnus Wolfgang Hebron covering the bow gangplank with Ivy and Lord Trelor picking off Hadovean snipers in the rigging and on the stern gangplank, Kindred and Orik Ironskull trading hefty blows. Watching the commotion onboard the frigates and spotting the far barge hitched to the Vagabond cut loose with Raven Clan on deck and begin tacking away to make as much distance as quickly as possible, Major Tombs having spent most of the engagement aboard the remaining barge which is now laden with the gold held in the cargo holds of the frigates, realises what is about to unfold and in a lightning action, draws his blade and pistol and in a single motion that seems almost second nature, slices through the closest boarding line and fires at the second line, severing it in twain. As the lines sag into the water, he turns and rushes for the tiller to haul away from the stern of the Iron Talon. The Empire hijackers cheer as they proclaim victory as they jeer and taunt at the Geldheim crew before their words begin to stick in their throats as they spot the Enclave’s final keg of experimental ammunition rolling freely across the Iron Talon's deck before falling down one of the several blast holes on the upper deck left by powder kegs and nesting itself between two cannons on the gundeck and the fuse disappears into the barrel. All is silent as a blinding light emanates from the lower deck of the Iron Talon, the sails, pendants and rigging of the vessels surrounding suddenly are drawn towards the denotation before straining and tearing anything loose as an explosion of dark red flame tears through the frigate, tossing timber, cannon and crew into a gurgling maw of water and flame. Debris flies across the span as the Kingdom crew raise their arms, hands and shields to cover themselves against the onslaught of splinters and nails. The gangplanks between the vessels buck throwing Kindred onto the Vagabond’s deck and is covered with planks and cloth from a buckling mast above him and tosses Orik against the starboard flank and manages to clutch onto an open gunport. As the Iron Talon rolls onto its port side and her yardarms begin to pierce the ocean, Mallory and Ciris Coldburn of the Fox Den, having barraged the decks below with powder and spells, barely cling onto the snapping lines and rigging of the main mast, narrowly avoiding the inferno below, and through the black smoke spot Tombs coming about with the barge. With no options and even less choice, the Fox Den crew dive from the mast and into the water before beginning to paddle towards the barge, as does Orik when he spots the vessel himself from the side of the Vagabond. The Vagabond now severely listing and dismasted, steers away from the Iron Talon leaving what is left of her sister frigate to vanish beneath the waves and retreat back to Waterstart, allowing the barge manned by Tombs to safely rescue any of the Hadoveans that had survived the battle and return them and their cargo back to Empire Lands.