05 - Vapour Monument

To honour thier first Captain, Captain Keesh Orim, the members of the Cultural Society restored the original figurehead of his ship, the Vapour, and mounted it as a monument in the courtyard surrounding Cog Hall. Originally the carving was of a woman with wild hair billowing behind her as she lunged from the prow of the ship, the waistline of her gown transforming into carved clouds of smoke so realistic it was rumoured to be haunted. Even after a few centuries the statue had been left in good condition out of respect for her and the ship she steered across the ocean.
Eighteen ships survived crossing the ocean when the Storm hit the ancestral homeland of the Eiyudi. Millions of people were killed during the Broken Chain Catastrophe and the final wave of destruction hit so suddenly that there was no preparing for it. Those in a position to flee did so without malice because those central to the chaos were already lost to the madness of a natural disaster they had triggered. The Storm has prevented any surviving Eiyudi from returning to their homeland, whatever their intent may have been, and everything that sculpted their massive society into what it was have now been lost.
Ever since the Captain established the town council they've used the Captain's Quarters of Cog Hall as their meetingplace and center of power during public events or other times when the population needed to gather for one purpose or another. While the Eiyudi Cultural Society was first gaining their sealegs the newly formed group was looking for ways to make their presence known widely along the speadout Eiyudi settlements. Since the area surrounding Cog Hall had no other major edifices, they proposed to the town council that they create a courtyard to improve the appeal of the entire region.
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