07 - Captain


There are times when the risk of losing is too great and someone needs to make the decision to either commit to the roll or walk away. Fair and equitible works day-to-day but in an emergency there needs to be a single voice to unify the actions of the many. Every culture has a form of leader and many have entire organizations dedicated to governing their people and protecting them, too. The Eiyudi once had that but after the destruction of their homeland the survivors were not the scholars or educated of their society but rather the sailors and the merchants who were able to outrun the swelling storm that destroyed their continent. Out of millions only thousands survived and only a handful of them had ever heard of a 'referendum' or balanced a budget.
They did however have an abundance of maritime knowledge and very specialized survival experience. The men and women were dropped on the coast, their ships gone and of little use trying to cross an ocean to return to a homeland that no longer exists. With no driving purpose or sense of hope the crews of each ship started to drift away, week by week, little by little. They were on the brink of losing everything the Eiyudi people had ever been until Captain Keesh Orim stepped up and called for action; not just from the crew of his shipwrecked vessel but from all who ever called themselves Eiyudi. To come together and make those they'd lost proud. Proud that despite horrific setbacks and massive destruction the Eiyudi would survive, not unchanged but not broken.


The Captain is a formal role with no formal description. Ultimately they're responsible for the wellbeing of... everyone. Over the years there have been a lot of changes in what occupies the day-to-day activities of the Captain but mostly people come to him for help when a problem too large for them to handle themselves comes up. Some Captains have created other specialized job titles to address specific needs that arise, some temporary but others became permanent and became part of the unofficial governing body.
Important examples of roles Captains have created includes sending the first scouts back to the surface to scavenge, which eventually became the tiderunners, and establishing the crabsters to help meet the nutritional needs of the community. One specific historical Captain enjoyed their wanderlust and established the Podrost Town Council to help keep order should he ever be away for an extended period.

Cultural Significance

The first few years when the Eiyudi refugees struggled to survive on the unforgiving Allegran coast were bleak. Although the people didn't turn on each other they also failed to rally. They lost so much, their entire homeland, and didn't know how to move forward. The Eiyudi were on the edge of losing their entire society, culture, and heritage when the first Captain stepped forward and began gathering a crew. If it weren't for Keesh Orim gathering as many survivors together there wouldn't be the burgeoning nation of Eiyudi there is now.
Form of Address
Sir, Captain
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Aug 18, 2024 12:18 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3