07 - Crab'ageddon

Community Tradition

The shore-living folks of the Dark Coast eat mostly plants grown in their underground farms and individual residences but the 'horned crabs' that are literally delivered to their doorstep almost daily are a substancial resource that has kept them on the shores. The meat is eaten by everyone and the shells are used to make shell sheathes and are also commonly worn as decoration.
During the coldest months, generally between mid-Edum to late Wamua, the number of crabs that are left on the shores swells, easily tripling in number. The drop in seasonal temperature brings more ice and slushy clumps of seawater trap the crabs and prevent most other potential predators from reaching them before the tiderunners or other villagers can collect them. The crabs aren't bothered by the colder temperature but their tiny bodies are so close to the ground and their footless legs don't handle the snow and slush efficiently and essentially immobilize the crabs.


As long back as memory and anecdotes can recall, the people living under the Dark Coast have celebrated the bounty of the ocean every cold season. The constant storms are always dangerous but during the winter several things conspire to turn it into a thrill-seeking event. Thankfully their dependence on the shorelines for food never suffers because the sheer volume of crabs increases dramatically during this period, too.


A village elder 'hosts' the sporting event everyone is included and given the day off Contestants can build and use any tools they want 'Contraptions' are highly insentivized   Based on the weather patterns and any vital ongoing village concerns, the hosting elder forms a commitee to help organize the events which include several kinds of racing and point scores. Dozens of people participate, even those who wouldn't normally venture to the shoreline, for the thrill. The extra sense of safety provided by having their whole community present helps nervous or shy people take the risk and experience something that they'll be talking about for the rest of their lives.
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Aug 4, 2024 02:23 by Deleyna Marr

So they have a contest to see who can catch the most crabs? Fun!

Aug 6, 2024 19:33 by Omin

Yeah, I didn't flesh it out very well yet but the concept in my mind is sort of like a combination of Thanksgiving and a regional track-and-field contest. I'm excited to really integrate all these Summer Camp articles that I sorta plowed through. :) Thanks for reading!!!

Aug 13, 2024 06:46 by Deleyna Marr

I hear you on the speed of summer camp articles. But you've got some cool world building to play with here.
