League of Dransfurn Organization in Kapisi | World Anvil
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League of Dransfurn


The league of Dransfurn is a quaint reminder of how Kapisi used to be. A small Island on the edge of the known World. Settlements are few and sparsely populated. Except for the Capital, Sulv Sinan, which is in itself only a small town by standarts of the mainland. It is in fact a place known for its existence but forgotten by most people. Since it is unimportant no Invasion took place since the original settlers established Sulv Sinan aeons ago.

Notable Settlements

Sulv Sinan , the Capital and seat of Government
Terihat , the supplier for the Naval Yards of Sulv Sinan
Feud'Ouest , a Fishing village on the Western coast and the Furthest West Settlement of the world
Sulv Renza , a monastery with a Village that is the spiritual center of the Isle
Grange Sinan , a Settlement of a few Farmers who Supply the Capital


The Council of the League is Summoned the Duke of Dransfurn and serves as Advisory body though in fact is acting as a Parliament for the Isle. With Delegates from all Settlements of Dransfurn it makes the average Dransfurnian very able to influence national policies.


Since Dransfurnians are so few it established itself pretty early that no Settlement except Sulv Sinan is able to field armed forces. The Hamlets and Villages came to the Count of Sulv Sinan and Proposed the establishement of the League and making him a Duke. Under the Banner of their new Capital the City Guard was expanded to enforce the Laws of the League Council and protect the travelers from rabid wild animals.


The Isle of Dransfurn and the surrounding Waters are Undisputed Dransfurnian Territory since noone really cares about Dransfurn who is not really from there

Foreign Relations

Since Dransfurn is neglible as a Nation they do not really Act outside their Territories and they hope they are as neglected as they are ignoring the bigger Nations of Kapisi.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Legislative Body
The Council of Dransfurn
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles

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Character flag image: by armoria


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