Jabal Ardos Geographic Location in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Jabal Ardos

The highest mountain on Dransfurn it is said that if you climb it that you can almost see the Kapisian Continent though others say that it only is the Isle of Terrelue. No matter what it is it reminds those who dare to climb it that there is more to the world than the eye can see.


The mountain is Part of the Dransfurnian mountains which run through the Whole island rumoured to host some of the more hostile inhabitants of the Island it is a risky undertaking to climb the mountain. Though in the millenium of inhbaitation almost all Abbots of Sulv Renza mad the undertaking as Initiation rite in the higher ranks of the Church, meditating on the top to recieve Visions and Advice of the Gods.
Mountain / Hill
Location under

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