Sulv Sinan Settlement in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Sulv Sinan

The Town of Sulv Sinan is the first and Largest of the settlements on Dransfurn. As Capital of the League of Dransfurn it functions as the Center of Commerce and Culture for the Island. The Town is best known for its Shipyard and its supporting businesses.


The citizens elects an Mayor who aides the Duke of Dransfurn to govern the town in the day-to-day business though being mostly micro-managed since Dransfurn is a place where not much happens

Industry & Trade

The Town is known for its Shipyards which are the best in the Western Islands, though as most things with Dransfurn mostly forgotten by the rest of the World. So most of the Towns business is connected to the Production and Maintenance of High-Sea Ships
Founding Date
around 4 500
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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