Sulv Renza Settlement in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Sulv Renza

Located on the northern coast of Dransfurn the Abbey Sulv Renza Tacomae is the Religious Center of the League and guides the People of Dransfurn to honoring the Tacoman Gods. Being nominally founded by the Diocese of Gothian it still has ties to their spiritual State and tries to keep their flock orthodox in faith, in order to appease the Kefali Tacoma.


The Abbey of Sulv Renza was founded by the Church of Tacoma after they learnt of the Settlement in Sulv Sivan to expand the Influence of the Diocese. After the initial establishment the Diocese abandoned their interest in the Island of Dransfurn and effectively granted the local Abbot Independence. After some years passed by the Settlement was threatened to be ransacked by a privateer of the Trading Guild and showed that their Faith alone could not keep them save. This Incident lead down the road of establishing the League as the Monks and Abbot pursued a campaign to the other settlements for an Alliance.
Founding Date
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Owning Organization

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