Terihat Settlement in Kapisi | World Anvil
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A small Lumber-Settlement on the Island of Dransfurn. The Inhabitans are widely known in the League for their rough tone and their fine Lumber. This well earned reputation makes this village and its surrounding area one of the main supplier for the island's dockyards, as only the trees that spring from Terihat's soil are sturdy and flexible enough for seaworthy ships, at least if the locals are to be believed. Aside from this one speciality Terihat is an unremarkable hamlet, one that is seldom stumbled upon by outsiders, if we take those who transport the lumber to the docks as exception.


Five families live in the hamlet, consisting of roughly 6 people each.


The small hamlet is usually gouverned by a small council with each member belonging to one of the hamlet's families. Having an official gouverning structure at this level is unusual, however due to its relative importance, this method of decision making has been established.

Industry & Trade

The entire industrial output of this small hamlet revolves around the production of lumber for the island's dockyards. All lumber produced in and around Terihat originates from a few generations old, small family run businesses. As the dockyard's output of ships is relatively small, this one hamlet is able to provide a sufficient stable supply of lumber, which can be increased by additional dock workers if need be.


There is a sinlge main road running through the village, which connects it to the rest of the island's road network.


Not much of the villages history is preseved, most of the knowledge about past events is going to be found in external archives or in oral histories passed down the through the generations.

Natural Resources

Although there is a long tradition of producing lumber, the natural woods of the area still prosper, as the tight-knit family structures allowed a forward thinking approach when it came to ensuring a lasting supply of growing trees.
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization

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