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Leva (LAY-vuh)

Leva Prozep

Leva is a prisoner in the Pledaria Penitentiary.   She received a life sentence in 4230 for making and setting off a bomb that destroyed part of a motel and killed five people. She was tried as a terrorist, but her motivations were nonpolitical. Her little sister's abuser had gotten a mere slap on the wrist from the courts, and Leva decided to punish him on her own terms. He was killed in the blast, along with four innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Leva is guilt-ridden about the collateral damage and believes she belongs in prison, but also considers her freedom a fair price for her sister's safety and peace of mind.   Once a year, her parents and sister are among the few people who actually make the arduous journey to visit the Pledaria Penitentiary and see Leva.

Mental characteristics


Leva is a lesbian. She was single at the time of her incarceration.


She was working on earning a bachelor's degree in chemistry when she was arrested.


Leva works in the kitchens at the Pledaria Penitentiary.

Morality & Philosophy

Leva is very protective of those she cares about.


Family Ties

Leva's mother is Vincaran and her father is Lanarian. She takes after her mother and looks more Vincaran, while her sister, Cazella, is the opposite.

Religious Views

Rather than try to balance or meld their two different religious traditions, Leva's parents mostly stopped participating in either. Consequently she and her sister were raised with only a passing knowledge of any religion. If pressed, Leva would admit she believes in the Vincaran pantheon and is inspired by Telik's doctrine of vengeance, but doesn't make a habit of visiting His shrines.

Wealth & Financial state

Her father, Codarin, owns a business that sells boats in Shield Key, Sholfrenia. Her mother, Jadelle, owns a business that takes tourists out to the coral reefs and sandbars offshore. They are not nobility, but wealthy enough to have domestic help and not worry about money.
Current Status
Serving a life sentence in Pledaria Penitentiary
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
4209 22 Years old
black, straight, collar-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light green
Known Languages
Lanarish, Vancor

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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