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Zalani (zuh-LAH-nee)

Ambassador Jhea'Tenoliani Zalani Janetha

Zalani is gorgeous, devious, and ruthless.

Physical Description

Body Features

Zalani's skin is a vivid jade green. She is undeniably beautiful, with ample curves and a large bosom. She's well aware of the effect these features have on most men and isn't above using this to her advantage, all the while longing for the day when she has enough power over others that she doesn't have to rely on her looks to gain admiration.

Apparel & Accessories

Zalani likes the finer things in life, and coming from a wealthy family means she can have whatever she desires. As such, she dresses in very expensive, stylish clothes. She vastly prefers Lanarian fashion and will avoid wearing traditional Vincaran clothing whenever possible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zalani was a late bloomer, spending most of her childhood as an awkward nerd. Her intellectual side was tolerated when she was a child because, well, she was homely so she might as well be useful somehow. (Misogyny is, unfortunately, entrenched in Vincaran culture.)   Then puberty hit and turned her into a knockout beauty. Suddenly her parents discouraged her from "wasting her time" with academia, since she could just marry well instead. She bristled at this to begin with, but soon learned that showing her cleavage got her much further in life than spouting facts. She has since perfected the balancing act of appearing to be nothing more than vapid arm candy, while quietly using her brains to manipulate those around her. Underestimate her at your peril.


Zalani is bisexual but for cultural reasons can only act on her attraction to men. That doesn't stop her from admiring women, however--especially when she's in the Lanarian Empire, where sexual orientation is considered nothing more than mildly interesting trivia about someone.


Zalani was not allowed to attend university, but has taught herself a great deal about a variety of subjects by extensive reading, watching documentaries, visiting museums, and talking to those with greater knowledge or experience.


Zalani is ostensibly in Shalanera as an ambassador of the Vincaran Federation, but she has her own agenda...

Intellectual Characteristics

Zalani is an avid reader, and retains the information so she is able to cite specific sources and statistics in conversation. As a woman in a sexist society, she's had to work extra hard to convince others of her intelligence. If someone won't take her word for it, she wants to be able to cite the source as proof.

Morality & Philosophy

Zalani has no qualms about lying, misdirection, cheating or double-crossing her allies to get what she wants.

Personality Characteristics


Zalani will tell you that she only cares about two things: money, and power. Her real wish is deeper: to be recognized and respected for her cleverness, intelligence and competence--not just "for a woman," but compared to anyone.

Likes & Dislikes

Zalani is a connoisseur of fine wines. Her favorite color is red.


Contacts & Relations

Nartok is smitten by Zalani, and has asked for her hand in marriage more than once. She strings him along, claiming that she would marry him if only her father approved--while secretly loathing his narrow, sexist views. It's far too advantageous to be on Nartok's good side to let her true feelings show.

Religious Views

Zalani is critical of her culture's beliefs until a Lanarian disparages them, and then springs to their defense. It's mostly academic to her, though, and she doesn't engage in the rituals or observances of Vincaran religion.




Towards Zalani





Towards Nartok




Nartok has been smitten by Zalani for years, but he is infatuated with the persona she lets him see. When her real, well-read, clever, intellectual self emerges he scoffs and insists she doesn't need to worry her pretty head over such matters. Once they're married, he says, she can lounge around and look beautiful and do nothing (besides have babies.) This is the exact opposite of what Zalani wants, and she has no intention of actually marrying him. However, the power and influence she gets as the president's future daughter-in-law is too good to let go. So she strings Nartok along with excuses about her father not being ready to approve the match, or her time in Shalanera as Vincaran Federation Ambassador lasting longer than anticipated. He is too blinded by her beauty to suspect the sweet nothings she coos at him are just that: nothing. If he wasn't such a misogynist, one would almost feel sorry for him.

Nicknames & Petnames

Zalani has been known to call him "Nartie," and Nartok often refers to her with a flower-related pet name like "my sweet lotus blossom."

Shared Secrets

Show spoiler
Zalani is the only person besides Nartok (and the health care workers treating Ontaz) to know that the Federation's president is in failing health.

Wealth & Financial state

Zalani's parents own a huge mining company, and are among the wealthiest citizens of the Vincaran Federation.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4204 27 Years old
Current Residence
Black, wavy, nearly waist-length
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I've proven I can be a valuable ally. Don't make me prove what kind of enemy I can be."
agnostic with a soft spot for Ainia
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Lanarish language and Vancor language

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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