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A spider-like alien of unknown origin. Coming from a world in the far distant future, Arjun is a mechanic and tinkerer who uses the materials and technology available in Kenos to try and recreate innovations of the future. Arjun keeps to themself since they’re simply not a people-person and prefer to work. They are casually Meridian aligned.   Arjun is something close to a cyborg, seeming to be a combination of an insectile exoskeleton enhanced with mechanical parts. The shorter arms are the main ones they use to hold things, but the longer legs are also capable of holding objects, albeit not with the same level of fine motor control.
Current Location
One large central eye that's bright blue. Hard to tell if it's biology or mechanical
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Combination of metal and an exoskeleton, both shades of grey
6'8" / 203 cm
Ruled Locations


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