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Located in a dimly lit alley of the bustling city, Cache is a mysterious establishment that is easy to miss if you're not paying attention. Its entrance is an unassuming door with a sign that simply reads "CACHE" in faded letters. But once you step inside, you're greeted by an overwhelming assortment of items. The space is cramped and cluttered, with narrow aisles between towering stacks of miscellaneous goods.


Arjun, the owner of Cache, seems to blend into the chaos of their store. They move quickly and with purpose, dodging around piles of trinkets and tinkering with strange machines. Despite their apparent disorganization, they seem to know the exact location of every item in their shop, and can quickly retrieve anything you might be looking for.


Cache specializes in rare and unusual items, ranging from magical artifacts to strange technological devices. The shop's inventory is constantly changing, as Arjun scours different dimensions and timelines to find new treasures to add to their collection. However, Cache is also known to offer more conventional items like weapons, and all come with a hefty price tag.


UPDATE: Since the Uplifting, Cache still operates in downtown Kowloon, but Arjun has spread their operation to the Viomichanikós District in Old Springstar. Given that they want nothing more than to be left alone and invent, it is not surprising that Arjun now has even more distance from sales, and now has several attendants that maintain both CACHE and the CACHE (UPTOWN), which both sell many of Arjun's usual fare.

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