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Old Springstar

Old Springstar, also occasionally called "Uptown Kowloon" by some, sits in the remains of what was once Springstar. The city itself is a collection of large craters from where Skysong uplifted itself from the island. Diametrically opposed to Downtown Kowloon, Uptown consists of everything from the Last Dance to certain Springstar establishments that were left on the surface level to cultivate a relationship with their new neighbors. They consider themselves independent of Springstar and Highstorm, while also being elevated enough to command respect and acknowledgment as a "third city" to both. The population of Old Springstar consists of a combination of Kowloonites sick of living underground, individuals banished from Skysong, and those who have moved to the city for an independent, metropolitan experience, such as those who are tired of the pastoral life of Alenroux.


Uptown Kowloonites have made homes within the craters left behind by the ascension of parts of Springstar's districts. Networks of metal catwalks, remnants of broken buildings and other precarious structures have been pulled down and cobbled together like a hive — and apparently, it's made more real estate for the remains of Springstar's large population to live in! Some districts, such as the Viomichanikós District remain on the ground. Some of Downtown Kowloon's most brilliant minds have moved in, such as Arjun, who has spread a large portion of Cache into the district, and now operates a much larger operation.


While the Uptownies seem to be more on the up and up, a fractured island like Old Springstar certainly seems to do well for itself. Seeking legitimacy as a neutral party, the city seems to be oddly prosperious, and if any are asked about what their best export is, the only answer is: Anything and Everything. The Pit Mines, a new feature from the remains of Springstar, cetainly employs plenty of folks looking for work, and what they mine is valuable — natural resources such as coal helps power what Shimmer cannot in both Old Springstar and Skysong.


Still subject to the council of Kowloon, there's some tension from Uptown regarding the governmental structure of the city. The general ruling class of Uptown doesn't mind, but many of them, such as Arjun, and the current owner of Draumahol don't seem to be in a rush to change the structure of Old Springstar, or peel it off as fully indepenent. After all, it was born from their actions, and there's a sense that Old Springstar feels a bit like an offshoot of Downtown Kowloon, even though they are becoming more and more independent by the day.


While they are fully neutral, there are some remnants of Springstar still present, such as the Church of Meridian, which has a small, humble outpost that proselytizes the word of Meridian's light to all. Skysong may not be involved in Old Springstar, but the Cardinal promises that it will not always be the case, though membership wanes with every year that more banished are dropped from Skysong, and there is no redemption for those who live in Uptown.


Characters in Location
Notable Organizations:
The Scepter
Notable Locations:
The Last Dance


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