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The Court

The town center is nicknamed “the Court” and encompasses the city square surrounding the Great Tree and Yima's manor. Most of the city’s gatherings take place in this space; a massive reflective pool that is permanently aglow with the moon’s light sits in the midst of the square surrounded by cobblestone and ornate brickwork. Naturally luminescent suspended flora and overgrown vinery have spread to overtake much of this space, but it is not for a lack of care — to the contrary, this is a reflection of Highstorm's coexistence with nature.   Both Meris and Zenites are permitted entry through the gates and to Yima's manor to request an audience, but Kathova — often found tending to matters in the ‘front of house,’ as it were — will shoo you off if you do not make an appointment or are tardy. Gatherings are permitted in the square without prior permission necessary.


Notable Locations

Yima’s manor was also where characters’ default housing is located. When characters Harmonized to Zenith, they would be offered free, dorm-style housing in her manor as well as a retainer. The retainer is a person who is assigned to take care of a Shard-Bearer's needs (such as obtaining clothing, helping orient them, etc.), and they do so voluntarily. If a character chooses to have a retainer, this NPC is free for the player to make up!   The manor was destroyed as a result of retaliatory Meridian action as of second-Emru (February) 2024.   The Great Tree is a place of reverence, and the reflecting pools outside Yima’s manor are enchanted. Should you sit on the edge of the pool and look into its surface, you will find your memories catalogued before you — and able to be displayed upon the water’s surface for a short period of time. This spot is often used for ceremonies of remembrance, mourning, and celebration of loved ones lost.

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