
The most common of the Skeleton race and believed to be the oldest model still "alive" today. Mostly found in the Black Desert and throughout the South, they are found in a wide range of professions and standings.

Physical Description
Log Heads are justly named, recognized by their elongated heads and large central vision lens. Being the oldest active model of Skeleton many seek improvement through modification leading to a wide range in appearance and body size.
Many Logheads refer to themselves as "Ancients" and see themselves as a step above other skeletons and races. This need to be the best drives many Logheads to positions of power or down the path of insanity through modification and magic. Logheads radiate confidence and can make loyal companions when given ample opportunity to show their greatness.
Most Logheads are followers of The Church of Stobe, with the largest gathering being in the Second Empire. However Logheads can be found in the Manumit and Code of Kral faiths as well.
Many Skeletons blame the Logheads for The Madness that plagues the entirety of the Skeleton race however this hasn't been proven. They are distrusted by most races including their own, often hording knowledge or tech and have a large presence within the Tech Hunters.
Logheads, like many other Skeletons, forget their own name every hundred years or so and many go by no name at all. Skeletons that do possess names are usually given those names by companions or passerbys, things like Sparky or Tin Can.


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