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Gromril, also known as Meteoric Iron or Hammernought Armor, is the toughest and sturdiest metal in the world, and is forged into the best and hardest swords, axes and armor.

No weapons made by mundane means last forever, except for perhaps gromril weapons. It is the favored metal of any Dwarf Runesmith, and in its purest form, it holds runes better than any substance in the world. As only Dwarf Runesmiths have the secret knowledge and skill to work this ore, gromril armor and arms are quite rare.  


  For centuries, the origin of gromril on Kermoria was a mystery; with the loss of Karak Angkor from the records, only it's recent re-discovery has shed more light on the significant origins of the star metal.

In years past, in a time long before the Draconic age, a meteor fell, creating a large valley (and, supposedly, taking the cap off of the Lesser Fist, revealing it's caldera-like interior) and driving itself deep into the earth; Dwarves discovered this valley, and it's other-wordly visitor, and began mining, discovering gromril. Several small dwarfholds sprang up around The Fists , including the great hold of Karak Angkor. However, the valley slowly filled with meltwater from the peaks of the mountains, making surface and near-surface mining impossible, thus forcing all mining efforts deeper and deeper into the earth.

Karak Angkor was lost some 1,500 years ago, with no clear reason in the records discovered so far. And, with it, the source of gromril on Kermoria.


Nearly impenetrable and of unsurpassed beauty, this armor is priceless and never for sale. Dwarfs alone have the techniques and skill necessary to fashion complete suits, and so this armor, if found at all in other lands, is by component only and then likely taken from corpses on battlefields or stolen from a wealthy knight’s armory. So valuable is gromril armor, wars have been fought for the mere possession of a full suit. It is impervious to weapons wrought from lesser ore, and though heavy, no one doubts its sturdiness when forged into armor. Armor forged of pure gromril is highly coveted for its protective value and such suits are treasured heirlooms, many of which date back prior to the Draconic Age.

The most skilled Dwarf weapon smiths make axes and hammers from gromril. Gromril weapons are normally inscribed with runes, rather than a standard enchantment. A gromril weapon has the same characteristics as its steel counterpart, except that it can never be broken by normal means.
Gromril Armour
Only three full suits of Gromril armor are known to still exist within Kermoria; the suit of Viscount Grombrindal, the custom-made suit worn by Griswold Ironhammer, and that worn by the High Chieftain of the Dwarfhold, Beruset Ironfist.
Item type
Raw Material


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