Margaretta Treefeather Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Margaretta Treefeather

A satyr born to the Feywild, Margaretta came to the material plane at a young age, finding a life for herself near Langenfirth.  As she aged, the primal forces within her awoke, and she found herself in possession of wild and untamed druidic magics; magics which continuously got her into trouble.

Unsure what else to do, she got on a barge and headed to Northguard, where she eventually found Skycrag, a settlement of druids and their allies, and she learned to tame and control her powers.

Returning to Therengia in 211, she returned to her old life amongst the trees of the Drakweald Forest, tending to the plants as a sort of self-trained botanist, until she inadvertently met Ashlynn Finch.  The two quickly became friends, and Ashlynn convinced Margaretta to enlist within the ranks of the Imperial Science Corps, passing on her knowledge of druidcraft and botany to anyone willing to learn.

In 221, she joined August Spiteaxe and several others on a scientific journey to the Pridelands with the intent of discovering new herbs, and their uses, and in hopes of returning their seeds to prosper in Therengia.
Current Location
Year of Birth
189 AV 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
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