Disputed Lands

For centuries, halflings have made the Disputed Lands their home. Situated between Trelios and Morenthyr, the Disputed Lands are constantly in a state of flux, with soldiers of both parties occupying the land.  


Pre-Elven Era

Before being absorbed into the Elven empire by the Treaty of Durnholme in 290, the Disputed Lands were ruled by various noble families. Continually competing with one another, they were held in check by village councils. Semi-independent, the various rulers of the Disputed Lands banded together only when any outside threat existed. In the 230s, two families had risen to prominence, the Starkfoots and the Lanniswoods. Most villages aligned with one of the families by the 280s, leaving them evenly matched against one another. When the Elven Empire called for annexation in 289, the Starkfoots and the Lanniswoods banded together to negotiate for their people, leading to the signing of the Treaty. Shortly after, Lady Lanniswood died suspiciously in a freak tent fire, leading many to believe she was murdered, and that her signature was forged, presumably by Lord Starkfoot.  

Elven Era

Treaty of Durnholme

The beginning of the Elven Era was marred by violence as supporters of the Lanniswoods clashed with the Starkfoots. Lord Starkfoot declared himself ruler of all of the Disputed Lands, which was vigorously contested by surviving Lanniswoods. Due to the autonomy granted to the Disputed Lands by the Treaty of Durnholme, Elven authorities did not intervene, much to Lord Starkfoot's chagrin. In 361, Lanniswood soldiers looted Durnholme, leaving it in ruins and pushing the Starkfoots out of their capital. Throughout this time, the Halfling nobility's influence began to diminish, leading to the abolishment of nobility at the Brokenroot Conference in 381. At this conference, representatives of almost every halfling settlement met to end the violence caused by continual in-fighting among the nobility. From this point forth, village councils, headed by a Mayor, ruled each village independently from one another. Weakened from the continual fighting, the noble families were forced to accept the findings of the Conference, and became commoners once more. To this day, many halflings still bear the names of old noble houses.  

Pax Elvenica

While a peace was declared, pro-empire and anti-empire groups went underground, forming societies dedicated to either protecting the Empire or destroying it. Starkfoots and Lanniswoods remained involved, continuing their decades-long dispute. The Friends of Durnholme was established by halflings who believed that Morenthyr brought prosperity and that by cooperating with the Elves, halflings could get full citizenship. On the other side were the Silent Stalkers, who wished to weaken the Empire and restore halfling independence.  

Great Revolt

During the Great Revolt, many halflings attempted to remain neutral, with most villages keeping a low profile. However, antagonism between the Friends and the Stalkers reached a boiling point. Friends had long returned escaped slaves to Elven authorities, but with the rebellion, the Stalkers began attacking Friends transporting slaves, liberating them and helping them go north, away from the heart of the Empire. Eventually, the Friends discovered the Stalkers were operating out of the ruins of Durnholme. In coordination with the Elven army, they launched an assault, taking the keep, but not before most of the Stalkers and some escaped slaves were able to sneak out.  

Post-Elven Era

Following the breakup of Morenthyr, halflings returned to being independent, with each village acting independently from one another. This decentralized system allowed for Morenthyr and Trelios to slowly absorb various villages, through treaties, trade, and threats. Various border skirmishes between the two countries led to many soldiers being deployed into the Disputed Lands, with fortifications and trenches being built throughout it.   By 1434, the Disputed Lands were clashing grounds between the armies of Trelios and Morenthyr, with various villages being taken and lost every year. The ever-changing border leaves the Disputed Lands in a state of flux, with halflings often being caught in the crossfire. Distrusted due to many halflings supporting the Empire during the Revolt, Halflings remain second-class citizens in Trelios. In Morenthyr, the Friends of Durnholme still operate, having achieved much of what they originally envisioned. In 1386, the Conclave declared halflings loyal to the Empire full citizens, giving them voting rights and the right to stand for election. The Silent Stalkers continue to operate on both sides of the border, striving for halfling independence. Given secretive aid by Trelios, they launch various attacks on Elven fortifications. Morenthyr considers them terrorists, and executes any suspected Stalker.
Alternative Name(s)
Forests of Lurien
Included Organizations
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