Friends of Durnholme

The Friends of Durnholme are a clandestine paramilitary halfling organization active primarily in the Disputed Lands. Taking its name from the Treaty of Durnholme, the Friends are die hard loyalists of Morenthyr. Siding with Morenthyr during the Great Revolt, the Friends have since worked to reestablish Thyrian control in the Disputed Lands.

Public Agenda

Since the Great Revolt, the Friends of Durnholme have worked for the re-annexation of the Disputed Lands by Morenthyr. They continue to launch covert assaults on Gaulian soldiers stationed in the Disputed Lands as well as on anyone suspected of supporting the Silent Stalkers.
Founding Date
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
The Friends
Friend of Durnholme, Friend
Parent Organization


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