Fall of Thal'Vigilus

The Fall of Thal'Vigilus was the first battle of the Holy Orcish Invasion.

The Conflict


With support of Kalari merchants, Sivatag orcs were able to infiltrate the city in the beds of covered wagons. The orcs waited until dusk, lulling nearby guards with alcohol and hired courtesans. A small strike team then attacked, capturing and lowering the bridge to Sivatag. This precipitated attacks from both the east and west on the city.


On the west bank of the Great Divide, a mixed group of orcs consisting of Komor Meg, Zold Fogar, and Mez Jogan stood by on the edge of the horizon, awaiting a signal to attack. A company of Fehyer Szin also crossed the Great Divide hiding in the forests east of the city.   Thyrian forces were concentrated in two forts along the city and a large barracks on the east bank. The central fortress was the headquarters of the Elaxian Legion where the majority of the garrison was stationed.


The battle occurred on the various plateaus and bridges which makeup Thal'Vigilus. Plateau by plateau, the orcs had to fight in close quarters to push back the elves.

The Engagement

Orcish hordes crossed the Sivatag bridge led by the Komor Meg, inflicting heavy casualties. Feyher Szin meanwhile had crossed the Great Divide and attacked from the east. The Feyher Szin suffered heavy casualties, but managed to hold off a late breakout attempt by the surrounded elven garrison. The southern half of the city fell within a few hours, however nearly a thousand soldiers burned all the bridges connecting to the central fort, beginning a long siege. After the battle, the orcs led by Xago of the Komor Meg burned the bridge connecting to the northern plateaus, trapping four thousand Thyrian civilians.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
April 28th, 1439
Conflict Result
Orcish Victory


Sivatag Orcs

Led by


4,000 Legionnaires
1,200 Zold Fogar
600 Feyher Szin
300 Komor Meg


2,500 Dead
1,000 Besieged
500 Missing
250 Feyher Szin
175 Komor Meg


Prevent Sivatag orc crossing.
Enter Morenthyr.


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