
Thal’Vigilus is a militarized settlement built along the Great Divide. Created where the divide is the most narrow, the only bridge connecting the two continents is located here. It is the headquarters of the Elaxian Legion, tasked with preventing a second orcish invasion.


The population of Thal'Vigilus is almost entirely elven, with a handful of merchants of other races passing through on occasion. About a third of the city is military, with 5,000 of the Elaxian Legion being stationed in and around Thal'Vigilus. The remainder include legionnaire family members and support services.


Thal'Vigilus is ruled by the Elaxian Legatus, the leading military figure of the legion. A council of leading civilian residents provides input for new laws and regulations affecting the city.


Elven Era

Originally called Hydell, the town began as a small village on the very outskirts of Morenthyr. A trading post on the edge of Sivatag, traders would pass through Hydell while traveling to and from the west. As the desertification of Sivatag continued, trade dried up by the 1000s, leaving Hydell a shell of its former self.  

Orcish Migration

Hydell was quickly overrun and razed during the orcish invasion, leaving behind scattered ruins. In 1288, it was chosen by Elaxis Thural as the site to create the Great Divide. Thyrian geomancers gathered here, and used a month-long ritual to cleave the continent apart. Most of Hydell was buried from the resulting earthquakes.  

Modern Era

Thal'Vigilus was founded on the ruins of Hydell in 1312. Originally a small military outpost, it has grown to become the central command of the Elaxian Legion and is the most populous city on the western border.


Built on the edge of the Great Divide, Thal'Vigilus is built on a series of plateaus on the eastern edge of the Sivatag Desert.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Military, Base
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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