
Sariel is an archangel of Lysander. Once an elf, Sariel joined Lsyander in the afterlife, quickly progressing among his heavenly ranks. A messenger of Lysander, reports of an angel appearing before the faithful have been discussed in hushed whispers across Khalon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mortal Life

Sariel was born into a craftsman's family, part of the Ordo Laurum. His early life was spent largely around other elves. Looking to see the world, he left home and joined the crew of a riverboat. He traveled along SouthRiver for a few years before the fateful day his ship took on a shipment of slaves headed north. Seeing the abject cruelty dealt towards these slaves, Sariel snuck below decks, assisting them in taking the ship and escaping north. He eventually saved enough money to captain his own vessel, transporting goods across Khalon. Along the way, many hid and escaped on his ship.   During the Great Revolt, Sariel quickly joined the rebellion, guiding humans north to Calydon. In the Battle of Thal'Narius, Sariel's ship was sunk, and he lost his life.
1240 EE 1352 EE 112 years old


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